Learning activities/Bug Blitz

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The Bug Blitz is the idea of renowned naturalist and scholar Professor Edward O. Wilson of Harvard University. Students and teachers combine to focus on the issues that surround biodiversity. No prior experience is necessary for this activity. The only requirements are curiosity and collaboration-- and, of course, the XO.

Students will work with each other to collect, describe, record, and compare the living and non-living things in their particular "hot spot." They will identify issues, create new ways to present their information, and deliver messages about knowledge gained. In addition, they will develop a whole new appreciation and respect for bugs. Combining the arts and science in this way will allow students to develop an understanding of biodiversity as well as help their region have a sustainable future.

The Blitz Challenge

Teams of students will work together to collect photos and evidence of bugs, create an audio-visual presentation of their group's journey, and present their finished product to the rest of the class.

Walking with Bugs and Birds

Teams will go on a hike, looking out for any bugs and birds. Students will document all evidence of bugs and birds using their XOs.

Audiovisual Workshop

Using their XOs, students create an audiovisual presentation to tell the story of the birds or bugs in the area.

Team Presentations

Each team presents their presentation to the class.

Teacher Responsibility

Teachers accompanying students on the Blitz have an important role in ensuring it all comes together. Teachers have a particular responsibility to support the organizing their student group before arriving at the Blitz, and ensuring the preparatory work required for the Bug Blitz is completed. During the Blitz, teachers are expected to be fully involved in assisting the student working groups, and supporting the staff and experts working with them.

In advance of the Blitz, teachers will:

  • Help students complete the ‘Pre-Bug Blitz activities’ and ensure they are prepared to participate in the outdoor experience and communal activities.

On arrival at the Blitz teachers will:

  • Be fully involved with all the field and social activities including walking, navigation, team challenges, conducting activities, working with other teachers in collaboratively supervising students, and assisting with the development of a final day presentation with a group of seven students.