XS Installing Software 0.6

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This page describes how to obtain a copy of the school server software, load it onto media, and install it onto a system. For a more complete description of the software repositories, see XS Software Repositories.

This page is very much under construction.

Downloading the Software

You can obtain the latest image from:

wget http://xs-dev.laptop.org/xs/OLPC_XS_LATEST.iso

This can be copied onto a CD or DVD using your favorite toaster software.

It may also be copied onto a USB key, using the livecd-tools provided by Fedora 7:

livecd-iso-to-disk OLPC_XS_LATEST.iso /dev/sdb1

where /dev/sdb1 represents the USB key being copied onto.

Installing the Software

This varies, depending on whether you have a version of the server software designed to auto-install or not.

Interactive Install

Auto Install