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Colingo logo.png | Free language learning for all


Colingo aims to make it free and easy for everyone to learn languages. To make this happen, Colingo is creating a free web portal, software packages, and content. Colingo aims to promote language exchanges using digital video, games, and videoconferencing.

Along with OLPC, Colingo is a non-for-profit organization aiming to combat a worldwide crisis in affordable education. Colingo also takes a constructionist approach to education, in which students are encouraged to learn through exploration and discovery, rather than rote memorization.

Colingo is an OLPC developer and is actively developing material for the October release of the XO, most notably ColingoXO, a video library, and the English-learning movie series 1-2-3 ingles.


Main article: ColingoXO

ColingoXO is a package for collaborative language exchange customized for the XO. ColingoXO is currently under active development; a stable release is due to be released in October. Python developers interested in working on this project are encouraged to write to the Colingo discussion list.

1-2-3 ingles

A second Colingo initiative is producing 1-2-3 ingles, a series of free short movies designed to help Spanish-speakers learn English. The initial focus of the movies is to highlight a diverse group of native English spekaers reciting basic 'survival English.'

The first beta release of these movies can be watched in a Flash-enabled web browser at (Watch 1-2-3 ingles)


Colingo is committed to linguistic equality and does not hold one language, culture, or individual superior to others, Colingo does, however, find some software and licensing superior to others. Content is released under an attribution Creative Commons license.

Colingo is based on open source software to the fullest extent possible; similarly, we submit most of our language-learning resources into the public domain, freeing anyone to legally share and remix them.

Ultimately, Colingo operates under a premise that better language exchange resources are necessary to facilitate understanding, tolerance, and peace in the new globalized world.

Submitting videos

How to submit videos to Colingo: (Instructions for Linuc) (This section being actively edited 8.15.07)

  • Record videos onto a DV camera
  • sudo nice -n-20 dvgrab --autosplit --timestamp --format dv2 filename_prefix-
  • Rename all clips as [language (en, es, zh ISO code)]_[level (1-10)][lesson (a-z)]_[phrase].dv
  • Use ffmpeg2theora: ffmpeg2theora -x 240 -y 160 -v 5 -a -1 en_1a_can_you_speak_louder_please.dv

    Community and Developers

    Colingo is an open project growing at a quick pace. If you are interested in getting involved, a good first step is getting on the discussion list. You can follow our progress by subscribing and hear the latest news about the project; you can also send a message to everyone on the list.

    External links