Curators and coordinators/lang-ja

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  翻訳された Curators and coordinators 原文  
  english | 日本語   +/- 変更  
This is an on-going translation
Creating Content
Curating Content
Educational ideas
Activity ideas
Software ideas
Hardware ideas
Help Translating
Content network


OLPC is designed around the idea of the free sharing of knowledge. Our goal is to empower children to share and build on what they learn in every way imaginable. Local networks of laptops and school servers provide a platform for sharing both existing knowledge and new ideas. Each network, in turn, acts as a window into a repository of content larger than an individual school server can hold. Soon, children will be able to exchange materials with other children, schools, and collections around the world.

To determine what materials to include on our laptops and school servers, we rely on a global community of curators-- educators and other experts in their fields-- to identify and, well, "curate" collections of resources in each subject. We also enlist the help of coordinators to connect knowledge communities with each other, and with communities of XO users.

Each topic, medium, and language needs coordinators-- people devoted to tracking the proliferation of projects, collections, and related efforts. Coordinators determine what content is needed, and convey these needs to individual curators. As each topic grows in size and popularity, its coordinator should seek out additional collections, and curators for them.


We are actively seeking to expand our network of curators and coordinators.

Curators are responsible for a single group, archive, or collection. They should be prepared to select content from that collection for two content bundles, a 2-20MB content bundle for downloading to XOs and a 20-200MB collection for each school server. They should also be prepared to create (or advise on the creation of) a child-friendly portal/lens for their online site and archive.

Coordinators are responsible for connecting individual curators to each other within their designated group, and responding to inquiries related to that group. Each coordinator should be prepared to devote 3-5 hours per week to this task. Note: If you are a new coordinator, you may want to set up a Request Tracker account (or list) for your group.

If you would like to become a curator or coordinator, leave a message on the talk page.

A list of current curators and coordinators (in parentheses) is as follows:


Group/org Liaison Curator
Open education portals
OER Commons [OERC]/ISKME Lisa Petrides Amee Godwin
Creative platforms
Curriki Bobbi Kurshan Joshua Marks(t)
Connexions Rich Baraniuk, Joel Thierstein Raymond Wagner
CK12 Neeru Khosla Murugan Pal(t)
Wikiversity Cormac Lawler
Campaigns and outreach
Frankfurt LitCampaign Karin Ploetz Barbara Roelle
Google Literacy Jessica Powell
UN Millennium Campaign (game, texts)
Internet Archive Brewster Kahle -









Language and Geography

Languages should have at least one coordinator per country from country teams. Green and red countries should have at least one coordinator (focusing on local organization coordination, not content per se).


Languages should have a coordinator from outside even where countries are not cooperative.



Geographic coordinators will soon be needed to help coordinate NGO and educator activity in that region; curators from specific regional projects (rather than specific subject areas). See Map.
