Test Config Notes

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Turn on All logs

  • Edit the /home/olpc/.xinitrc file to uncomment the line source .sugar.debug
  • Edit the /home/olpc/.sugar.debug to include export SUGAR_LOGGER_LEVEL=debug

  • If you want to add debugging only for some acitivities, you can find the name of the activity when you scroll over them in the home view. Use the Enable logging instructions.
  • The activity names are those which show up when you scroll over them in the home view.
  • Reboot the computer after changing the files.

Turn on MPP Capability

As of build 570, automatic MPP is turned off. If you want to turn it on, log in as root (either from the VT with Ctl+Alt+F1 or 'su -' from the Dev Console in sugar), and do:

 /sbin/chkconfig --level 345 NetworkManagerDispatcher on
 /sbin/service NetworkManagerDispatcher start

Next time you reboot (or the next time you click on an AP) the mesh portal will come back on.

Reformat a bad USB drive


  1. Insert the USB into your mac
  2. Open Disk Utility (which you can find in the applications/utilities directory)
  3. Click on '967.5 MB USB 2.0...', the usb disk on the left.
  4. Click on the Partition tab
  5. Click on Partition to reformat the USB (this erases everything on the stick)

Customizing a NAND image

See Customizing NAND images

Modify the Mesh Discovery Sequence

You can put the following values in /etc/NetworkManager/mesh-start

  • school-mpp
  • infra
  • xo-mpp
  • local

These will control where the mesh device starts. Since the mesh device is the first device that gets picked at startup, this affects the immediate connection search of the laptop.

Remember, the current automatic connection cycle is this. You can jump to a specific step in this cycle by putting the string above into mesh-start.

/* Steps:
 * 1. For each channel in [1, 6, 11]:
 *    a. try DHCP
 *    b. if DHCP times out, try next channel
 *    c. if DHCP response includes a non-link-local IP address,
 *      then CONNECTED/DONE
 * 2. Try last successful AP connection
 *    a. if success then CONNECTED/DONE
 * 3. For each channel in [1, 6, 11]
 *    a. try DHCP
 *    b. if DHCP times out, try next channel
 *    c. if DHCP response includes a link-local IP address,
 *      then acquire autoip address and apply DHCP settings (except for
 *      IP address), CONNECTED/DONE
 * 4. Jump to channel 1
 *    a. acquire autoip address, CONNECTED/DONE

XO Files

list of .xo files

Language Testing