OLPC Keyboard layouts

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Scan-code table

scan code table KeyMatrix.png

XKB Symbol files

The xkb symbol files used by OLPC can be found at http://webcvs.freedesktop.org/xlibs/xkbdesc/xkeyboard-config/ (Please refer to the xkb_symbols "olpc" sections of the symbol files for the OLPC-specific keyboard mappings).

OLPC keyboard layouts

Instructions for setting up keyboard switching in Terminal are on the Customizing NAND images page. On bilingual XOs, the multiplication/division key is replaced with a keyboard switching key.

Changing the language of the keyboard is independent of changing the language currently displayed. The language currently displayed can be changed by using the Language section of the Sugar Control Panel.

Membrane keyboard layouts

English (US international); Spanish (Latin America); Portuguese (Brazilian); Amharic (Ethiopic); Arabic; Nigerian (Igbo, Hausa, Yoruba); French; Thai; Urdu; Cyrillic (Russian); Turkish; Nepali; Mongolian; Kazakh; Devanagari; Uzbek; Pashto; Dari; Armenian; Khmer; Pulaar; Italian; Kreyòl; German; Chinese (Simplified); OLPC AZERTY

Non-membrane keyboard layouts

Starting with the XO-1.5 HS ("High School") edition, the XO laptop has a traditional (non-membrane) keyboard available as an option: English (US International); Spanish (Latin America);

Blank Keyboard Artwork

Artwork defining the inner dimensions of the membrane keyboard is available here: keyboard-blank.svg

US International keyboard

US International keyboard for MP
XKB KEY HID key unmodified shift alt gr alt gr shift ctrl fn comment
0x38 110 esc HK_01
0x79 140 HK_00 search
0x3A 112 XK_ViewMesh F1, analog 1
0x77 141 HK_02 analog 2
0x3B 113 XK_ViewFriends F2, analog 3
0x76 142 HK_07 analog 4
0x3C 114 XK_ViewHome F3, analog 5
0x75 143 HK_08 analog 6
0x3D 115 XK_ViewActivity F4, analog 7
0x3E 116 F5, analog 8
0x74 144 HK_09 analog 9
0x3F 117 F6, analog 10
0x73 145 HK_10 analog 11
0x40 118 F7, analog 12
0x72 146 HK_11 analog 13
0x41 119 F8, analog 14
0x42 120 F9, analog 15
0x71 147 HK_12 analog 16
0x43 121 F10, analog 17
0x70 148 HK_13 analog 18
0x44 122 F11, analog 19
0x6F 149 HK_14 analog 20
0x45 123 F12, analog 21
0x6E 150 HK_05 bulletin board
0x5D 129 XK_Menu HK_06 frame
key <TLDE> 0x01 1 grave asciitilde dead_grave dead_tilde
key <AE01> 0x1E 2 1 exclam exclamdown excalmdown
key <AE02> 0x1F 3 2 at notsign notsign C-@
key <AE03> 0x20 4 3 numbersign 0x1000300 0x1000300 combining grave
key <AE04> 0x21 5 4 dollar 0x1000301 0x1000301 combining acute
key <AE05> 0x22 6 5 percent 0x1000306 0x1000306 combining breve above
key <AE06> 0x23 7 6 asciicircum 0x100030A 0x100030A C-^ combining ring above
key <AE07> 0x24 8 7 ampersand 0x1000302 0x1000302 combining circumflex above
key <AE08> 0x25 9 8 asterisk 0x1000324 0x1000324 combining caron above
key <AE09> 0x26 10 9 parenleft 0x1000307 0x1000307 combining dot above
key <AE10> 0x27 11 0 parenright 0x1000308 0x1000308 combining diaeresis above
key <AE11> 0x2D 12 minus underscore 0x1000304 0x1000304 C-_ combining macron above
key <AE12> 0x2E 13 equal plus 0x1000303 0x1000303 combining tilde above
key <BKSP> 0x2A 15 backspace delete
key <TAB> 0x2B 16 tab back tab
key <AD01> 0x14 17 q Q Greek_omega Greek_OMEGA C-Q
key <AD02> 0x1A 18 w W oslash Oslash C-W
key <AD03> 0x08 19 e E œ Œ C-E
key <AD04> 0x15 20 r R 0x1000327 0x1000327 C-R combining cedilla
key <AD05> 0x17 21 t T 0x100032E 0x100032E C-T combining breve below
key <AD06> 0x1C 22 y Y 0x1000325 0x1000325 C-Y combining ring below
key <AD07> 0x18 23 u U 0x100032D 0x100032D C-U combining circumflex below
key <AD08> 0x0C 24 i I 0x100032C 0x100032C C-I combining caron below
key <AD09> 0x12 25 o O 0x1000323 0x1000323 C-O combining dot below
key <AD10> 0x13 26 p P 0x1000304 0x1000304 C-P combining diaeresis below
key <AD11> 0x2F 27 [ { 0x1000331 0x1000331 C-[ combining macron below
key <AD12> 0x30 28 ] } 0x1000330 0x1000330 C-] combining tilde below
key <CAPS> 0xE0 58 control
key <AC01> 0x04 31 a A æ Æ C-A
key <AC02> 0x16 32 s S ssharp ssharp C-S
key <AC03> 0x07 33 d D eth ETH C-D
key <AC04> 0x09 34 f F thorn THORN C-F
key <AC05> 0x0A 35 g G sterling sterling C-G
key <AC06> 0x0B 36 h H Eurosign Eurosign C-H
key <AC07> 0x0D 37 j J C-J
key <AC08> 0x0E 38 k K C-K
key <AC09> 0x0F 39 l L C-L
key <AC10> 0x33 40 semicolon colon masculine ordfeminine
key <AC11> 0x34 41 apostrophe quotedbl currency currency
key <BKSL> 0x31 42 backslash bar section section C-\
key <RTRN> 0x28 43 enter insert
key <LFSH> 0xE1 44 left shift
key <AB01> 0x1D 46 z Z C-Z
key <AB02> 0x1B 47 x X C-X
key <AB03> 0x06 48 c C ccedilla Ccedilla C-C
key <AB04> 0x19 49 v V C-V
key <AB05> 0x05 50 b B C-B
key <AB06> 0x11 51 n N ntilde Ntilde C-N
key <AB07> 0x10 52 m M mu mu C-M
key <AB08> 0x36 53 comma less guillemontleft guillemontleft
key <AB09> 0x37 54 period greater guillemontright guillemontright
key <AB10> 0x38 55 slash question questiondown questiondown
key <RTSH> 0xE5 57 right shift
key <UP> 0x52 83 up arrow page up
key <LSGT> 0x73 56 multiply division ISO_Next_Group ISO_Prev_Group HK_04
0xE1 59 fn
0x5B 127 XK_Grab_L
key <LALT> 0xE2 60 alt
key <SPCE> 0x2C 61 space XK_ViewSource
key <RALT> 0xE6 62 alt gr
0x5C 128 XK_Grab_R HK_03
key <LEFT> 0x50 79 left arrow home
key <DOWN> 0x51 84 down arrow page down
key <RGHT> 0x4F 89 right arrow end

OLPC section of the XKB symbol file

To use the XKB US International layout, you may need to edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf:

XkbLayout "us"
XkbVariant "olpc"
partial alphanumeric_keys
xkb_symbols "olpc" {
   name[Group1]= "U.S. English - OLPC International";

   include "us(basic)"

   // OLPC international US English keyboard layout.
   // It's a little different from the usual international layout.
   // See: http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Image:Keyboard_english.png

   key <TLDE> { [     grave, asciitilde,    dead_grave,       dead_tilde ] };
   key <AE01> { [         1,     exclam,    exclamdown,       exclamdown ] };
   key <AE02> { [         2,         at,       notsign,     	 notsign ] };
   key <AE03> { [         3, numbersign,     0x1000300,        0x1000300 ] }; // combining grave
   key <AE04> { [         4,     dollar,     0x1000301,        0x1000301 ] }; // combining acute
   key <AE05> { [         5,    percent,     0x1000306,        0x1000306 ] }; // combining breve above
   key <AE06> { [         6,asciicircum,     0x100030A,        0x100030A ] }; // combining ring above
   key <AE07> { [         7,  ampersand,     0x1000302,        0x1000302 ] }; // combining circumflex above
   key <AE08> { [         8,   asterisk,     0x1000324,        0x1000324 ] }; // combining caron above
   key <AE09> { [         9,  parenleft,     0x1000307,        0x1000307 ] }; // combining dot above
   key <AE10> { [         0, parenright,     0x1000308,        0x1000308 ] }; // combining diaeresis above
   key <AE11> { [     minus, underscore,     0x1000304,        0x1000304 ] }; // combining macron above
   key <AE12> { [     equal,       plus,     0x1000303,        0x1000303 ] }; // combining tilde above

   key <AD01> { [         q,          Q,  Greek_omega,      Greek_OMEGA ] };
   key <AD02> { [         w,          W,       oslash,           Oslash ] };
   key <AD03> { [         e,          E,           oe,               OE ] };
   key <AD04> { [         r,          R,    0x1000327,        0x1000327 ] }; // combining cedilla
   key <AD05> { [         t,          T,    0x100032E,        0x100032E ] }; // combining breve below
   key <AD06> { [         y,          Y,    0x1000325,        0x1000325 ] }; // combining ring below
   key <AD07> { [         u,          U,    0x100032D,        0x100032D ] }; // combining circumflex below
   key <AD08> { [         i,          I,    0x100032C,        0x100032C ] }; // combining caron below
   key <AD09> { [         o,          O,    0x1000323,        0x1000323 ] }; // combining dot below
   key <AD10> { [         p,          P,    0x1000304,        0x1000304 ] }; // combining diaeresis below
   key <AD11> { [ bracketleft,  braceleft,  0x1000331,        0x1000331 ] }; // combining macron below
   key <AD12> { [bracketright, braceright,  0x1000330,        0x1000330 ] }; // combining tilde below

   key <AC01>  { [         a,          A,          ae,               AE ] };
   key <AC02>  { [         s,          S,      ssharp,           ssharp ] };
   key <AC03>  { [         d,          D,         eth,              ETH ] };
   key <AC04>  { [         f,          F,       thorn,            THORN ] };
   key <AC06>  { [         h,          H,    sterling,         sterling ] };
   key <AC07>  { [         j,          J,    EuroSign,         EuroSign ] };
   key <AC10>  { [ semicolon,      colon,   masculine,      ordfeminine ] };
   key <AC11>  { [ apostrophe,  quotedbl,    currency,         currency ] };
   key <BKSL>  { [ backslash,        bar,      section,         section ] };

   key <AB03>  { [         c,          C,    ccedilla,         Ccedilla ] };
   key <AB06>  { [         n,          N,      ntilde,           Ntilde ] };
   key <AB07>  { [         m,          M,          mu,               mu ] );
   key <AB08>  { [     comma,      less, guillemontleft, guillemontleft ] };
   key <AB09>  { [    period, greater, guillemontright, guillemontright ] };
   key <AB10>  { [     slash,   question, questiondown,    questiondown ] };

   key <I219>  { [  multiply,   division, ISO_Next_Group, ISO_Prev_Group ] };

   include "level3(ralt_switch)"

partial alphanumeric_keys
xkb_symbols "olpc2" {
   include "us(olpc)"
   key <I219>  { [ ISO_Next_Group, ISO_Prev_Group ] };