Talk:Give 1 Get 1

Revision as of 11:17, 31 October 2007 by (talk) (why only North America?)
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Is it really impossible...

... for Europeans to take part in this program within the given period?

  • Of course not, but import/export is your problem. There are services that will help you by providing a US mailing address that forwards to your real address; try Google to find one.
  • Thanks for your hint. I've found several postal services by using the search terms "mail forwarding service".
That probably won't help if they're also asking for payment via a credit card with a US billing address.
  • Yes it is a interesting hint. But it is too bad, that Europeans cannot participate. I know a lot of people who are interested to participate. I think the Organization would get a lot of donations by making this Give 1 Get 1 Program available in Europe. Maybe the reason is because a fear of too many orders?

---Will the charging adapter work in the UK? What addition parts will need to be bought? Really disappointed Europe is being ignored here.

I'm disappointed this program won't be available in Australia. I was looking forward to the give 1 get 1 launch so I could get one for my nephew. This is sadly only going to increase the demand for grey market laptops on eBay. :(