Ethiopian Setup

Revision as of 20:03, 31 October 2007 by AlexL (talk | contribs)
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Development is being tracked here:

  • Update your OS image if it's older than joyride-76
  • Boot, switch to the console (alt-F1) and login as root.
  • Set the LANG environment variable in /etc/sysconfig/i18n

You can do that on the fly by starting the terminal activity and typing:

setxkbmap -model olpc 'us(olpc2),et'

  • You can switch between IM in the Write activity through the RMB context menu, although the Amharic IM only appears to work the the "us" XKB keyboard layout.
  • You can toggle between the us and the et layouts by hitting the group switch key, which is mapped to the rightmost key below enter (labeled multiply/divide on US keyboards).