Update.1 process

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The following is a draft placeholder pending public discussion and comment.

Process to Propose Changes

  1. You MUST notify the community of any significant code you expect will change in the next week as soon as possible.
  2. To do this, you MUST create a ticket, tagged "Update.1?" in the keywords field. You MUST briefly justify your recommendation. You MUST include the date you expect your change will be available for testing in the "joyride" build. This date MUST be before November 2.
  3. You SHOULD tag other people's bugs that you think should be included in Update.1. But remember that there is a finite amount of time and resources available as you make these recommendations, and state your reasoning why you think these fixes must be made by our first deployment release.
  4. After November 1, the exact RPM or bundle version will be indicated in the ticket requesting the change in Update.1, with its checksum and diffs from the previous version, and proposed CHANGELOG entry. It must be is available in a Joyride build for testing and ready for inclusion in killjoy. We strongly encourage that you have someone other than yourself verify that your fix is correct and does not introduce regressions.

Process to Approve Changes to Update.1

The release team will approve tickets and assign to the designated release engineer (temporarily cscott until Dennis is up to speed) .

The bundles/RPMS are expected to be present in Joyride for anything not coming from Koji (the Fedora build system). Note that SRPM's for each RPM MUST also be present, and should be updated each time the binary RPM is updated. Activity bundles that are solely Python do not need separate SRPM's; if your activity contains binary code, we expect the source/SRPM's to also be present along with the activity bundle; please discuss with us how to package your sources.

To get approval for bug fixes or some remaining enhancement to actually go into Update.1, use the following process:

  • there MUST be at least one ticket in Trac, it should already have been marked for resolution in Update.1; it can reference additional tickets to be closed by the commit, and should clearly indicate exactly which bundle or RPM should be applied to Update.1.
  • If there are any inter-dependencies on other fixes, please make sure that is clear.
  • The ticket should contain the patches being applied so that we can review them. If possible, please tell us how to verify the bug fix.
  • Assign the trac bug to the user "ApprovalForUpdate". Add yourself to the list to ensure you get notification of any changes. This will let Jim/Kim/Walter have a single work queue; if you can catch us on IRC, you may be able to get approval immediately.
  • If it is approved, we'll assign the trac entry to our buildmeister (cscott this instant; Dennis when he's ready) to process.
  • When the update is in the new Update.1 build, the buildmeister will reassign it back to you.
  • You are then expected to test the resulting Update.1 build, and mark the bug(s) closed and verified.