Turtle Art
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Turtle Art is an activity with a Logo-inspired graphical "turtle" that draws colorful art based on Scratch-like snap-together visual programming elements.
There are many restrictions compared to Logo. User defined procedures can't have parameters. Limited screen real-estate makes building large programs infeasible. Only simple variables are available, no lists or other data-structures.
There are five palettes of program elements available for program construction. Conditions for the If block are a different shape than numeric parameters used by the other blocks.
- Turtle (green)
- Clear
- Forward(n)
- Back(n)
- Left(angle)
- Right(angle)
- Arc(angle,radius)
- SetXY(x,y)
- SetH(heading)
- Turtle state values (can plug into a parameter)
- X, Y, heading
- Pen (cyan)
- Pen Up
- Pen Down
- Set Pen Size(n)
- Set Color(n)
- Set Shade(n)
- Fill Screen(color,shade)
- Pen state values (can plug into a parameter)
- Pen size, color, shade
- Numbers (violet)
- Values (can plug into a parameter)
- Number
- Infix operators(left,right)
- +, -, *, /, mod
- Random(min, max)
- Conditions (oval, plugs into an If block)
- <, <, = (take two values)
- and, or, not (take other conditions)
- Print(n)
- Values (can plug into a parameter)
- Flow (orange)
- Wait(n)
- Forever[stack] (no continuation)
- Repeat(n)[stack]
- If(condition)[then]
- If(condition)[then][else]
- Stop (no continuation)
- Connectors:
- jog right
- jog down
- My blocks (yellow)
- Named stack - a rhombus which tops a stack, equivalent to a procedure definition (but without parameters).
- "Stack" - blocks for invoking a named stack (no parameters)
- Store in "box"(n) - blocks for setting a variable
- "Box" (plugs into a parameter)
- My stuff (?)
- ? (no screenshot, and not in groups, but I see it in the source tree)
- 1input, 1inputs, 3inputs: looks like invoking a stack with 1/2/3 parameters
- boutput: looks like a blank condition
- opwithlip, opwithlipb: looks like box parameters that can be chained (socket on right)
There are also some icons at the bottom right for user control:
- Show/Hide the turtle
- Eraser
- Stop (for infinite loops)
Image:Turtle0.png|Turtle Art startup screen
Image:Turtle1.png|Clicking on the Blocks menu brings the basic tool set into view
Image:Turtle2.png|Drag blocks from the menu
Image:Turtle3.png|Click on the top block of a stack to execute the stack
Image:Turtle4.png|Other blocks can be found under the tabs
Image:Turtle6.png|Example projects are found on the Projects menu on the upper right of the screen
Image:Turtle-recursion-1.jpg|A recursive algorithm (difficult without parameters)