Open video

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As part of ongoing curation of great open video for children, OLPC and Intelligent TV are working together to get archives of science videos to share their treasures with the world... and to get videographers to make new shorts out of existing open collections.

Science Video Remix Competition

One Laptop per Child
Intelligent Television
are pleased to announce the
2008 Science Video Remix Competition

Rules and details at:

The Science Video Remix Competition aims to promote the use of archival scientific video material for education around the world and inspires children to become videographers themselves. The competition encourages innovative producers to post and share scientific video material for young audiences (8 to 16). An international panel of judges will award prizes for the best best contributed archives on February 15, 2008.

A second stage of this contest will launch in 2008 for the best short films made from these archives.

Entry deadline

  • for contributed archives : February 1, 2008
  • for short films : April 5, 2008

Grand prize

  • $2,000
  • an OLPC laptop
  • producer material featured on laptops around the world.

Submission details:

Producers should provide a one-paragraph description of the video content to the 2008 contest administrator by e-mail at The description should detail the following:

  • the number of minutes/hours of video
  • a brief description of subject material in the video
  • a description of when and where the video material was produced
  • details about whether the material has been distributed/broadcast previously and where/when

Upon administrator confirmation of receipt, the producer will be asked to upload submitted video to the Internet Archive. At least 5 hours of video must be contributed by February 1, 2008, to be eligible for the grand prize. Regarding rights and permissions, preference will be given to producers who indicate that their archives will be open to remix with the broadest possible licenses at:

This competition is endorsed by

  • ccLearn
  • Intelligent Television
  • OLPC