Contributing content
Sharing content and learning materials through OLPC
The One Laptop per Child project (OLPC) is gathering quality educational content for distribution around the world to the children who will be using the OLPC laptop computers.
To discuss the possibility of offering your content to the One Laptop per Child project, please contact :
Here is needed contact details, telephone, postal and email for a designated person who is usually at his or her desk all the time during stated business hours and who can break into his or her other work so as to conduct discussions with an educator or publisher who makes contact.
If you would like to discuss the possibility of offering your content to the One Laptop per Child project, please contact the OLPC Content Gathering Team.
Here is needed contact details, telephone, postal and email for a group of people who operate such that at least one of them is at his or her desk all the time during stated business hours and who can break into his or her other work so as to conduct discussions with an educator or publisher who makes contact.
About the One Laptop per Child Project.
Here is needed a short precise summary of what the project is about, in a similar manner to the way that press releases usually have a short item about the company or companies mentioned in the press release.
Further information about the One Laptop per Child project is available from the webspace.