Questions from New Users

Revision as of 23:11, 13 December 2007 by Mokurai (talk | contribs) (New headings)
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Schoolchildren reportedly are able to discover how to use an XO without adult assistance, except for features that are not currently working correctly. For those who are having trouble, and in particular those who have run into bugs and unfinished features, help is available. Start with the draft manual.

If the available documentation doesn't help, please post your questions here. Somebody is sure to answer.

These questions will become input to the documentation process. So even having trouble becomes a contribution to the success of the program.


Anything about the XO hardware or software that you can't figure out and is not documented.


Bugs, unfinished features.


From OLPC Ship.2 Software Release Notes

We continue to work on improving support for WPA encryption, and hope to have a better solution in our Update.1 release. In the meanwhile, WPA Manual Setting documents procedures for manual use of WPA encrypted access points. "