
Revision as of 18:52, 19 December 2007 by Dupuy (talk | contribs) (Projects & Access)
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How to start?

hi..I've signed up to Pootle as my girlfriend might be able to translate some sections into Turkish, but when I go here there are no entries... How do I get started? --Tomhannen 15:20, 8 December 2007 (EST)

When I go there, Update 1 shows up as an option; I guess it was added since December 8 --@alex 13:45, 19 December 2007 (EST)

Pootle URLs on this page

There are apparently two Pootle servers? and (maybe these are actually the same, since my account on the former carried over to the latter). Most of the URLs on this page use the latter (described as the "old Pootle server") should they be changed to the new one? --@alex 13:38, 19 December 2007 (EST)

Projects & Access

So, as I understand it, the "Terminology" section (which seems to be globally editable by registered Pootlers) is used only in the Pootle interface itself (for hints on the right hand side). Going to the other files, the "Fuzzy" checkbox is greyed out and there is no "Submit" button, only Suggest. I assume this is more access controlled, which I guess I can understand. But when clicked on the Suggest button, there's no indication that anything actually happened. Also, from the titles, I wonder if these are already frozen projects (which also explains why they don't show up in Quick Links). Is there anything more than the Terminology to work on at this point? --@alex 13:52, 19 December 2007 (EST)