Sugar on Slackware

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Installing sugar on Slackware 12

Get sugar-jhbuild

Get sugar-jhbuild through git as described in Sugar with sugar-jhbuild (you'll need git installed).

Run sugar-jhbuild

cd sugar-jhbuild
./sugar-jhbuild update
./sugar-jhbuild build

For each dependency that will fail google for the source code and compile it with the default options (read below to install xephyr).

Start with gstreamer, avahi, darcs and then proceed with the python modules. Some python modules will require some gnome libraries to be installed and you may need to update to a newer gtk+ version (2.11 or above).


Xephyr is part of xorg kdrive, and it's not built in Slackware.

Get xorg-server- source code (it is the version that ships with Slackware 12).

Build it with:

./configure --prefix=/usr/local/xserver-xephyr --exec-prefix=/usr/local/xserver-xephyr --enable-kdrive --enable-xephyr && make && make install

You may want to choose another path (/usr/local/xserver-xephyr), but don't overwrite the default installation unless you really know what you're doing.

Then make a symbolic link for the xephyr executable to be found:

ln -s /usr/local/xserver-xephyr/bin/Xephyr /usr/local/bin/Xephyr