Talk:Tux Paint

Revision as of 04:53, 31 December 2007 by Sj (talk | contribs) (just awesome)
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Are you seriously going to throw a tantrum over the GUI? What happened to the dedication you had when you started? --Basique 15:02, 27 June 2007 (EDT)

I think calling tantrum is silly. To the developer: If you don't want to use the full Sugar-style interface, don't! One of the marking features of tuxpaint is the colored-cartoonish interface and talking tux, and I agree that it just wouldn't be tuxpaint otherwise. I think tuxpaint is really nice, my nephews have had fun with it in the last 2 years, and I would love to see it available to kids owning XO's, in whatever shape it takes.HoboPrimate 16:36, 27 June 2007 (EDT)
Call it that if you wish, but I don't see how I'm supposed to deal with undocumented volatile interfaces. Reverse engineering can be fun at times, such as when an "enemy" has provided a binary blob. It's not fun when a "friend" has dumped a huge pile of barely-commented Python at me and called it documentation, with things changing as I work. In the former case I find a challenge. In the latter case I only find misery. There are small signs that the documentation situation might be changing, so there is hope. It's still completely stupid and absurd that a normal 1200x900 full-screen app can't just run though. BTW, because of the hardware spec change, I no longer have any idea how Tux Paint will perform on the production machines. This matters because a full-featured Tux Paint is right about at the limit; I do not wish to chop out features unless required. Much of my early effort was wasted on chopping out features while the hardware spec change was still secret. AlbertCahalan 00:17, 13 August 2007 (EDT)

demo/example app

There is a simple demo/example app (plain C and Xlib) linked from my user page. If that were to work OK with Sugar, then there would at last be code that people could learn from. Tux Paint and other native apps would become much easier to port. AlbertCahalan 00:17, 13 August 2007 (EDT)

update : remove CVS dirs

the current -1.xo contains the CVS directories in every subdir; you may want to remove them and repackage. --Sj leave me a message 23:47, 30 December 2007 (EST)

Oh, and this is just awesome; as is the "sugarize" activity. --Sj leave me a message 23:53, 30 December 2007 (EST)