Emulating the XO/Mac Parallels3

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Step by step instructions for getting XO emulation up on a Mac using Parallels v3

Quit Parallels, since so far we only have a blank disk image. Take a look at it.

$ ls -l ${HOME}/Documents/Parallels/OLPC/otherlin.hdd/*.hds
-rw-r--r--  ... 1073995776 Jan  3 00:30 .../otherlin.hdd.0.{some-parallels-hex-code}.hds

I use a script to copy an XO image onto the blank 1GB disk just created.

$ cat ~/bin/mk-otherlin-olpc

# edit these to match your system

bzcat "$IND/$INF" | dd "of=$OUTD/$OUTF" bs=1024 conv=notrunc,noerror,sync

Invoke the script.

$ ~/bin/mk-otherlin-olpc
949840+1 records in
949841+0 records out
972637184 bytes transferred in 190.564697 secs (5103974 bytes/sec)

I am glad that the number of bytes transferred is less than the size of the hard disk I created. If that had not been the case, I would later get a Grub Error 18 (selected cylinder exceeds maximum supported by BIOS).

$ ls -l ${HOME}/Documents/Parallels/OLPC/otherlin.hdd/*.hds
-rw-r--r-- ... 1073995776 Jan  3 00:40 .../otherlin.hdd.0.{some-parallels-hex-code}.hds

Now that we have a real XO image copied over to our hard disk, we can start Parallels again.

At this point, there is no networking. What I want to do is the following:

$ sudo bash
# ifup eth0

However ifup eth0 is failing for me. I still mention it because it seems to have worked for most other people. Try different networking options when initially creating the Parallels virtual machine.

Some of the suggestions I pursued, such as creating an empty hard disk and then using a dd command that does not truncate the image, came from BruceB's and ScottSwanson at Emulating_the_XO/Mac.