
Revision as of 01:56, 12 January 2008 by Alb (talk | contribs) (→‎Some feedback)
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Some feedback

Nice job! This is fun to play with and extremely cute. I love that the activity speaks the options as you change them. Some minor points:

  • The XEyes thing is great, but the distance between the two eyes means that for some screen positions one pupil is unrealistically off-level from the other. I'd recommend using the same y coordinate for both eyes; the average of the y coordinates that you are currently using should work.
  • It looks like you're updating the eyes on a timer. I suspect that it might be more CPU efficient to just forward the mouse motion events from the widget's parent, but I don't know enough about gtk to know if there are any obvious drawbacks to this approach.
  • The mouth doesn't close all the way at the end of a sentence.
  • It looks like you're already aware of the occasional stutters.
  • One mouth corner is drawn differently from the other; setting cairo to use rounded path joins and caps might look a little better.

Joe 00:28, 10 January 2008 (EST)

Fantastic Application! JoshSeal 15:31, 10 January 2008 (EST)

This is a great idea for a program! My five year old son and I had a lot of fun playing with Speak this morning. As we played my son enjoyed having me write a word on paper then he would type it in and listen to it being read. He immediately wanted to run and show others. We had to retype words to show my husband, and again to show his older brother, and again to show mom......It would be nice to have the word stick around, perhaps a pop-up that shows the last few words/phrases entered that could be reselected. This is a terrific learning to read activity. We also noticed that when entering very large numbers the voice did not read them correctly. Maybe when inputting large numbers the voice could say something like 'oops - I don't know numbers that big' or something to that effect. Thanks for creating this!