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Life in the wiki world

                                    What is a wiki 

A wiki is a wedsite where multiple users can add remove and edit content on each page by olny using a web browser, is all so a piece of server software that user's can browser and crosslinks between internet pages

                                 Advantages of using wikis

A wiki makes it easy to collaborate with people , even in situation where they cannot meet face to face.

It deon't matter is a user is using a PCs or if they have a centain type of software as long a user can access the web they can access the wiki.

Emailing a large document to several people can take time and some people may not recvice it, By using a wiki one user can share his or her work with all of the users at one time.

it also gives the adventage of being able to put many ideas together and then going back to edit them when necessry or when time allows.

A user account can be set up for all virtual assistants, graphic designers, and a pege can be created for each project. Team members can provide input on what has been done behalf of the project and what they still need to do. By implementing the use of wiki in your business you will be able to stay on top of projects and have a better sens of organisation . you and your team will be able to visualize groups goals and the actions that need to be completed in order to achieve those goals.

The goal is to provide a space where members of a virtual community can edit any page with full freedom to introduce, alter, or remove content, including anything created by previous authors. Unlike blogs, which are designed for more structured knowledge exchange and one-to-many communication, wikis enable a more collaborative experience

A wiki can be protected with a password so you don't wrory about people viewing it.

                                Disdvantage of using a wikis

What happens when you loss your internet connection you wont be able to connect to the wiki because a wiki is a web and it needs internet to connect.

It is not uncommon for a group member to be lazy about donig their fair share of the work . when the person has access to everyone else's work, it may be for them to steal ideas and take creatit for work they didn't really do.

A wiki is a web based on a document which means that what you put up can be found by other people, wiki can be protected by password , but that deosn't meean someone can't hack in to it , one of the people that has a password may be a little less than trust and give the passwad out to others, if you working on a project that you don't want people to see a wiki is not a good idea

                                    How edit a wiki's  

On every wiki page, you'll notice edit buttons on the upper-right side. If you click on the one labeled edit, you'll be directed to the page associated with content editing.


Welcome to TWiki, a flexible, powerful, and easy to use enterprise wiki, enterprise collaboration platform and knowledge management system. It is a Structured Wiki, typically used to run a project development space, a document management system, a knowledge base, or any other groupware tool, on an intranet or on the internet. Web content can be created collaboratively by using just a browser. Users without programming skills can create web applications. Developers can extend the functionality of TWiki with Plugins. TWiki fosters information flow within an organization; lets distributed teams work together seamlessly and productively; and eliminates the one-webmaster syndrome of outdated intranet content

We can use TWiki internally to manage documentation and project planning for our company. TWiki has changed the way we run meetings, plan releases, document our product and generally communicate with each other.

                      What's the difference between a wiki and a TWiki

A wiki is an online resourse users can edit and TWiki is more of a professional Wiki - used to run project developments, for example. A TWiki is more structured than a Wiki.

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