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This page describes third-party software that does not meet the OLPC standards for software freedom. The use of such software is unsupported; OLPC does not endorse or encourage its use.


Opera OLPC Edition

Opera has made a special Opera OLPC Edition package. Screenshots are available here.

Opera is more than a secure web browser, it's also an RSS and Atom feed reader, bittorrent client, email client, and IRC client. It also has many keyboard shortcuts that make navigating on the XO easy.

Installing Opera

There are two parts to installing Opera on the XO:

  1. install the "Opera RPM"; this step is required.
  2. install the "Opera activity"; this step is optional.

Installing the Opera RPM

Before you begin, make sure you are connected to the Internet!

Then from the Terminal activity Activity-terminal.svg:

1. Download and install Opera by typing the following rpm commands (You need "root" privileges, hence the "su -" command):

su -
rpm -vi http://snapshot.opera.com/unix/olpc-544/opera-9.12-20070122.10-static-qt.i386-en.rpm

If you see an error message such as:

error: skipping http://... - transfer failed - Unknown or unexpected error

chances are you are either not connected to the Internet or you made a typo.

If you see an error message such as:

error: can't create transaction lock on /var/lib/rpm/...

you probably forgot to "su" before the "rpm" command.

2. Make sure to exit the root process:


3. Run Opera by typing:


You exit Opera by going to the Home view (Home key f3 small.png) and clicking on the Stop entry in the hover menu over the gray circle that appears in the Activity circle.

You can follow the instructions below to install Opera as a Sugar activity or run it from the Terminal activity as per above.

This installs the OLPC Edition, a snapshot of version 9.12. To learn about the most recent builds of Opera, check the Opera desktop blog and select the statically linked rpm packages for Unix/intel-linux.

If you are having trouble with rpm, try grabbing a "tarball":

wget http://snapshot.opera.com/unix/olpc-544/opera-9.12-20070122.10-static-qt.i386-en-544.tar.bz2
tar xvf opera-9.12-20070122.10-static-qt.i386-en-544.tar.bz2
cd opera-9.12-20070122.10-static-qt.i386-en-544
su -

Installing the Opera activity

The Opera activity is not yet packaged as an XO bundle, so the installation process is a bit more complicated than we'd like.

In order for Opera to appear in the list of activities on the Frame taskbar, an extra set of files must be installed. Again, be sure your Internet connection is working; from the Terminal activity Activity-terminal.svg:

1. create the directory /home/olpc/Activities

mkdir /home/olpc/Activities

If the directory already exists, you may get an error message, which you can ignore:

mkdir: cannot create directory 'Activities': File exists

2. go to /home/olpc/Activities

cd /home/olpc/Activities

3. download the Opera activity

wget http://people.opera.com/howcome/2007/olpc/opera-activity.tar.gz

You may see similar error messages as described above, for similar reasons.

4. install the Opera activity

tar xvzf opera-activity.tar.gz

5. clean up

rm opera-activity.tar.gz

In order for the change to take effect, restart Sugar (Ctrl+Alt+erase). You should see the Opera icon Activity-opera.svg on the taskbar (you may have to scroll to the right in order to find it).

Note: There is at present an incompatibility between the Opera activity and the OLPC Rainbow security system on some builds. If when you launch the Opera activity, the screen goes blank and stays blank, you have likely encountered that incompatibility. The current work-around is to launch Opera from the Terminal activity by typing:


The Opera activity files have been developed by the CERTI Foundation, a R&D foundation in Brazil that is testing the OLPC's XO for the Brazilian government. We are grateful to João Bosco A. Pereira Filho and Gustavo Maestri for their work on this.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Opera offers keyboard shortcuts that may come handy:

  • q/a navigates up/down in links
  • w/s navigates up/down in headings
  • 9/0 zooms page out/in
  • z/x navigates back/forward in history
  • ctrl t open a new tab
  • ctrl l focus and highlight the page url

Handheld Mode

To browse effectively with the OLPC in handheld mode, you'll need to configure some shortcuts manually. Click the "O" icon in the top-left corner of the Opera interface, then select "Tools>Preferences". From there, go to the "Advanced" tab and select "Shortcuts" in the pane on the left. Click the "Edit" button in the bottom set of buttons to edit your keyboard shortcuts. Now add the following mappings using the "New" button at the right:

  • Left -> Back
  • Right -> Open Link

Then use the search box to find the following keys (words on the left of the arrows), and the "Edit" button to alter their existing mappings to look like this:

  • PageUp -> Navigate Up
  • PageDown -> Navigate Down
  • Home -> Navigate Left
  • End -> Navigate Right

The end result of this is that the up and down arrows on the directional pad scroll up and down, the buttons on the gamepad spatially select links on a page (try it to see what that means), the right arrow "clicks" the selected link, and the left arrow goes back one page.

Low-Vision Use

If you have low vision then you may also like:

  • Home -> Zoom in, 15
  • End -> Zoom out, 15

which will allow you to use the horizontal gamepad keys to adjust the page's zoom. (Change the number 15 to change tho coarseness of the zoom.) In newer versions, after pressing the Edit button you may have to click on the "Advanced" section and then the "Browser widget" section and edit the existing Home and End entries, otherwise these browser widget entries will override any entries that you add to the main section.

In order to make zoom work consistently (rather than zooming some parts of the page and not others), go to Tools/Preferences/Advanced/Fonts and make sure that none of them are set to Charter. For some reason Opera doesn't seem to be able to zoom Charter very large (if at all). Try setting those fonts to DejaVu Serif instead.

In order to correctly calibrate the font and zoom sizes, you may want to quit Opera, edit ~/.opera/Opera6.ini and set ForceDPI to 200.

If you do not have any links to follow (e.g. you are just reading self-contained texts in the browser) but you do have multiple tabs open, then you may also like to try:

  • Left -> Cycle to previous page
  • Right -> Cycle to next page

so that pressing left and right will switch between tabs (these need to be changed in the Application section of the keyboard shortcuts editor; you might like to search for Tab as a starting point). There is a bug in the current version of Opera (does aNYbody know how to report it to them?) : if you set this, then pressing left or right will behave as though you'd pressed Control-Tab but held down the control key; the menu of tabs will stay on the screen and no switch will actually take place until you press Control (or Alt) on the keyboard. You can work around this by opening the XO slightly so that you can reach the Control or Alt key (but if you're going to do that then you might as well press Control-Tab).

Known problems

  • Widgets are not yet usable
  • Opera is not fully integrated into the Sugar UI. In particular, the Opera process does not die when the activity is terminated. In order to terminate Opera, open a shell and run a "kill" command; or simply stop it using the stop option from the hover menu on the Activity circle in the Home view.
  • There is at present an incompatibility between the Opera activity and the OLPC Rainbow security system on some builds. If when you launch the Opera activity, the screen goes blank and stays blank, you have likely encountered that incompatibility.
  • Due to the high pixel density, one "px" should probably be mapped to two pixels. Opera currently does not do this (what about the zoom feature? you could set default zoom to 200% in prefs). It helps to set opera:config#UserPrefs|ForceDPI to 200 and restart Opera, this will change fonts in the UI that are not previously set explicitly, as well as fonts in websites that are set with points.
  • The Chat (IRC) tool doesn`t seem to work when connecting to irc.freenode.net.
  • Interface menu font is too small to be readily usable
  • Setting the Interface menu font (Tools -> Preferences -> Advanced -> Fonts -> Interface menus) causes menu text to become unreadable

Third-party (plug-ins and Java)

Installing Flash in Opera

Installing Java in Opera

  • Download the JRE from http://java.sun.com and install it
    • Note that jre1.5.0_13 has been know to work, while jre-6u3 does not work on the XO
  • Then you need to create a symbolic link in opera plugin directory
    • cd /usr/lib/opera/plugins
    • ln -s /path/to/javajre/lib/i386 (e.g., /usr/java/jrel.6.8/lib/i386)