Manual Firmware Install

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When installing new firmware, you need a well-charged battery and the AC adapter must be plugged in. The firmware update code will not proceed otherwise.

Unsecured Machines

(Please note that most developer machines are "unsecured". To unsecure your machine, follow the instructions at Activation and Developer Keys.)

First download the firmware from

You can download on another computer with the above link. To download on the XO, go to the terminal activity and type something like

cd /versions/boot/current/boot/

If you want to use a USB or SD drive to store the firmware before installing, replace the first line above with:

cd /media/disk
mkdir boot
cd boot

Put the q2d09.rom file on the XO NAND FLASH filesystem in /versions/boot/current/boot/VERSION_NUM.rom, or on a USB key as /boot/VERSION_NUM.rom . Power cycle the system and get to the ok prompt. Then type either:

 ok flash u:\boot\VERSION_NUM.rom   ( if the file is on a USB key )


 ok flash n:\boot\VERSION_NUM.rom   ( if the file is on the NAND FLASH filesystem )


 ok flash sd:\boot\VERSION_NUM.rom   ( if the file is on an SD card )

Secured Machines

Secure-mode machines can only flash firmware that has been signed. All mass-production machines have the latest signed firmware so far, and pre-mass-production machines are almost all unsecured.

See Cheat codes for information about how game buttons control startup options.