Bundle metadata

Revision as of 19:38, 26 January 2008 by Sj (talk | contribs) (stub)
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We need to update the metadata used for OLPC bundles. Currently a slightly different set of data is gathered for activity bundles, library bundles, and specfiles for rpms that are included in latest builds.

in info file

  • name - string
  • long_name - or better "pretty_name", for display (could be shorter than name
  • version - int.int
  • sugar_version - int.int
  • bundle_id (change name for clarity, standard style?)
  • icon - filename (change name for clarity; add path?)
  • exec - shell invocation (change name for clarity?)
  • mime_types - semicolon? separated list of strings
  • locale - comma? separated list of strings
  • category - string
  • author - string (creator?)
  • maintainer - string, rfc822 email header
  • license - fedora license fields
  • last_update - date
  • url - url (or 'project url')


acknowldgements - required

changelog - required

    • person/author
    • merge information : specific versions of projects being branched/borrowed from
    • date/time


    • name/title/attrib/filename &c. for each leaf in a collection (use existing bibliiographic info standard)



There was debate about how to handle this. A section in bib_info, including file sections for the collection as a whole or named subcollections? A separate file with a set of all relevant tags for the whole bundle, one per line? An entry in the .info file?