
Revision as of 03:30, 8 August 2006 by (talk) (constructivism not edutainment)
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This is a philosophy of education in which children learn by doing and experiencing. They explore and discover instead of being force fed information.

Much more on this topic can be found by exploring Google using keywords such as "constructionism", "education", "philosophy". One small start is here:

Notice that Constructivism is not the same as Edutainment. See Edutainment? No Thanks. I Prefer Playful Learning

More info can be found on Seymour Papert's website:

Alan Kay and his Squeak project have done a lot to make tools available to teachers who want to develop constructionist educational materials. Alan recently gave a keynote at EuroPython demonstrating how kids can learn constructively.

Also this wikipedia article on constructionist learning