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My Neighborhood

I have 2 G1G1 XO.

My 3 year old grandson shares one with his mother, my daughter. My grandson is Spanish/English bilingual. My daughter teaches English in Mexico. My daughter, and my grandson took theirs to Zacatecas, Zacatecas, Mexico.

They need access to communities and libraries in both languages.

My wife, an educator shares one with me.

I'm getting the infrastructure in place for a learning community with two sites.

We configured presence service from It was too crowded! Went elsewhere.

I STILL think I'll need my own school server.

Running Sugar Emulator on Gutsy Gibbon

I distilled the following Gutsy Gibbon 7.10: command line example from his posts in a Dec 29 OLPC emulation NEED LINK thread on the sugar mail list. We need similar incantations for other tools and operating systems. Adding Gutsy Gibbon 7.10: Synaptic Package Manager

Add jani's "repository" to your list of package sources.

Using your favorite editor add two lines to the file /etc/apt/sources.list

 deb gutsy main
 deb-src gutsy main

you also need to be sure that gutsy-updates is enabled, so make sure this line is uncommented in the file:

 deb gutsy-updates main restricted universe

Hmm!! I have:

 deb gutsy-updates main restricted
 deb gutsy-updates multiverse
 deb gutsy-updates universe

not the same syntax and it enables the multiverse, too! I don't recall the provenance of my sources.list file, lots of things have been added for multimedia, etc.

Gutsy: Command line

update the packages list:

 sudo apt-get update

then install the whole environment with

 sudo apt-get install sugar-emulator sugar-activities

Gutsy: Synaptic Package Manager

 click the reload button 
 search for "sugar" (name and description) using Synaptic Package Manager, 
 check sugar-emulator and sugar-activities most everything else is selected to 
 satisfy dependencies.  You may see other sugar activities you want to check.

note: In either case the update or reload takes a long time. Lots of failures NEED to understand and cleanup my sources.list.

look through the comments of jani's blog entries

remember there were some comments about additional packages that needed to be installed for use on ubuntu. Maybe the ones indicated as prerequisites in the sugar-jhbuild instructions below.

My Projects


Organizing a project to port the WorldVistA implementation of the US Veterans Administration VistA Medical Informations System to the OLPC.

Free Rice

Been thinking about ideas for a multilingual activity based on

Gotta go find those notes!