Doom (activity)

Revision as of 13:54, 7 March 2008 by WiseWoman (talk | contribs) (→‎How to install Doom bundle: .xo bundle has been vandalized! How can we keep this from happening with other stuff?)
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Doom is a first person shooter game with content that is probably not suitable for young children, but is great fun for older ones.

Freedoom is a free software clone of Doom, based on improvements made to Doom's 3d engine with new maps and monsters.

How to install Doom bundle

Click Doom-1.xo to download Doom. Then install as usual.

This is tested working in shipping builds, not tested with rainbow security enabled, yet.

There is a picture inserted into the startup sequence of some dude (presumably Ralph) and a shocked cat stating that Ralph has haxored this page. Can this please be removed and can some one tell Ralph to get his rocks off doing something else? The picture returns as the startup sequenence cycles. How can we keep other software clean, if it is so easy to swap a link or replace some binary? --WiseWoman 08:54, 7 March 2008 (EST)

Video of Doom played on the OLPC


How to install manually

The following instructions need to be run from the Terminal activity. You will need a working internet connection on your OLPC for the install only. The instructions worked on a B4 OLPC laptop running Build 650.

  • Open the terminal
  • Switch to the root user, by typing:
su -

...and entering the root password, if requested to.

  • Then type
yum install prboom
  • The download is about 18MB, so will take a few minutes.
  • When you get a prompt again, type:
  • To run Doom, type

Changing Doom to run in full screen mode

To run in full screen mode, type:

prboom -geom 1200x900

To permanently adjust Freedoom to run in full screen mode all the time, type:

cd /home/olpc/.prboom
nano prboom.cfg

This will open the freedoom configuration file in the nano text editor. Find the two lines in the file with the words:

width         640
height        480

And change them to:

width         1200
height        900

Then type ctrl-x to exit, and type y to save your changes. Now, Freedoom should run in full screen mode when you type



I installed this by downloading the .xo file and then I tried changing the graphics mode to OpenGL and now it won't start. I tried removing it and re-installing it, but it still won't start. I think my (poor choice of) settings were not reset when I did that.

Game settings (all activity settings actually) are found in your .sugar/ directory. Just remove the .sugar/default/org.laptop.doom directory to clear saved settings after you remove the activity, and then re-install.

Hint, don't try the OpenGL video mode.

See also