XS Conf 08 MAR 25 Agenda

Revision as of 14:40, 23 March 2008 by Berrybw (talk | contribs)
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The first XS Conference will be held on Tuesday March 25th 11 AM US EST. You can find the timezone difference between EST and your own timezone at World TimeServer

Bryan Berry will record the meeting minutes and IRC log


Martin Langhoff has recently joined OLPC as the School Server Architect. In this meeting he plans to lay out his roadmap for the School Server and get feedback/suggestions from field implementers and other stakeholders.

Meeting Goals


  1. Short introductions from participants
  2. Martin talks about the roadmap in detail
  3. Discussion of Requirements and Use Cases (?)
  a) 1st World
  b) 2nd Word
  c) Developing World