Talk:Main Page

Revision as of 03:44, 22 March 2008 by (talk) (link to cnn on Peru broken)
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Archives : 2006 2007 2008

Main page comments go on this page

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new look

It is not just that the new home page has dropped on the floor many things that are arguably important, but the fact that it was changed unilaterally, without a more general discussion on this page is really inappropriate. --Walter 07:15, 18 March 2008 (EDT)

I would like to know why the change was made, and it should certainly be reverted until there is discussin. Any major main page changes (or changes to any of the core sidebar pages) should be carried out in temporary space and discussed here first. we had a similar discussion about main page design when Kate was updating the page without discussion; I hope it doesn't come up as an afterthought again. 10:47, 18 March 2008 (EDT)
ps - aside from the prominence of the main page, which is cause to reach consensus, boldness is fine to the degree that everyone in the community feels comfortable being bold. Many people who care about the main pages aren't yet comfortable enough to revert design changes they don't like.
My apologies. The main page shift was entirely my fault and nobody else's; I wasn't aware a similar conversation had been had with Kate before (and actually, that was part of my basis for thinking "well, I guess being bold on the main page would actually be ok.") Won't happen again. Please do continue to whack me upside the head with the Stick of Enlightenment as needed.
As an attempt to begin a more proper discussion about revising the page, here some things I like about Home draft (incomplete list, but this is a rough first pass).
  • Less scrolling, easier on the eyes, and other good things that come with uncluttered simplicity.
  • Yes, "all content except news" from the current Home has turned into a (large) portal-style link to that content instead. The home page should not be an intro-about/mission/about-wikis/about-open-source/core-principles/support/get-involved "all-in-one, include all content here" page. Instead, it should link to those pages. They are very important pieces of information to have accessible from the main page so that people (especially first-time visitors) can see them, but being easily findable != being on; it takes up less space and allows those who want an intro to see a dedicated page on the topic (instead of a cluttered page that's also a portal for non-intro stuff) and those who don't (experienced contributors, whoever) to bypass it.
  • Why should news / major new things stay on the front?
  • New stuff is transient. Updating one page with news is way easier than updating half a dozen subportals with the same.
  • Since new stuff changes often, the information will be new information for everyone viewing the page regardless of their interests. In contrast, a long/static "mission" text will only be new info to new visitors.
  • Watching new stuff scroll by is a nice opportunity for people to see what's going on right now in other areas they don't work in, in case it will (or can) directly impact or be impacted by their work.
And a few things I don't like yet.
  • As SJ pointed out, the picture is larger than warranted.
  • The portals pointed to from the main page should be really well-developed and maintained; not all of them are atm.
That's for starters... other (more articulate) thoughts, complaints, comments?

Mchua 17:21, 18 March 2008 (EDT)

Colophon (or), Old, non-main-page-related discussions

Looking for an old, non-main-page-related discussion? Check the archives:

2006 2007 2008

I've moved the bulk of the non-main-page-related content - the G1G1 shipping discussions - to the discussion page of Ask_OLPC_a_Question_about_Give_One_Get_One_orders .

Two/three remaining comments (still available in the history) didn't belong here or there, so I consigned them to the history page (removed them).

Walter had archived the discussions from the page here. There was an active thread regarding Give One Get One orders, which he moved to the Ask_OLPC_a_Question_about_Give_One_Get_One_orders.

MartinDengler 17:32, 13 March 2008 (EDT)

link to cnn on Peru broken

The link you gave for the CNN article on Peru expired. This one still works (3/21/08):