Talk:Deployment Guide/Power Infrastructure

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Revision as of 18:51, 22 March 2008 by Mokurai (talk | contribs) (Other power sources)
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Alternative Power Sources

We should consider at least the following possibilities in terms of practicality and environmental impact.

  • Solar is well covered on this page.
  • Wind.
  • Water. The beaver is the MIT mascot. Can we put a beaver-cam on a beaver dam with a microhydro unit and show how many XOs it can power?
  • Ethanol, in Brazil, at least
  • Biodiesel, using palm oil, for example, in areas of recent glut, such as Nigeria. Soap is a valuable byproduct.
  • Biomass (methane).
  • Animal power. Cow power is under development. I (--Mokurai 14:51, 22 March 2008 (EDT)) would like to invite MIT engineers to create a hamster-powered system with a hamster-cam. Then we can ask how many hamsters it takes to power an XO. ^_^
  • Child power is where we started. How viable is it? I hear that children can generate power faster than the battery can absorb it. Perhaps children can take turns on a gang charger.