The OLPC Wiki/lang-ht

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Byenvini nan One Laptop per Child Wiki, yon sit pou tout moun patisipe apwopo pwojè OLPC, yon laptop pou chak timoun epi tout kominote yo ki an relasyon.
N ap travay kounye a anlè 9,909 paj ki nan 15 (kenz) lang.

<imagemap> Image:Green_and_white_machine.jpg|200px|left rect 1 1 792 617 [1] desc none </imagemap>

One Laptop per Child se yon pwojè ki ap travay anlè chanjman pou pote nan edikasyon. It's about giving children who don't have the opportunity for learning that opportunity. So it's about access, it's about equity, and it's about giving the next generation of children in the developing world a bright and open future.

Walter Bender, President, Software and Content
Interview, 24 Apr 2007

The mission of the One Laptop per Child association is to develop a low-cost laptop—the "XO Laptop"—to revolutionize how we educate the world's children. Our goal is to provide children around the world with new opportunities to explore, experiment, and express themselves.

Why do children in developing nations need laptops? Laptops are a window and a tool: a window into the world and a tool with which to think. They are a wonderful way for all children to learn learning through independent interaction and exploration.

What's new


  • Astounded in Arahuay — Ivan Krstić on a followup visit to the site of Peru's 8-month OLPC pilot.
  • The Inter-American Development Bank announced that it will finance a pilot project to test whether one-to-one computing can improve teaching and learning in schools in Haiti (the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere). The IDB will make a $3-million grant for the pilot project, which will distribute XO laptops to 13,200 students and 500 teachers in 60 Haitian primary schools. The OLPC Foundation will contribute XO laptops to the project through the Give One Get One program.
  • Read about OLPC in NYC on the Teaching Matters blog.
  • We have released Ship2.2 (Build 656). (Please see Olpc-update regarding how to update your laptop to the latest build.)
  • Our Mongolia project is the first deployment made possible by the generosity of the Give One Get One participants. Many thanks from OLPC and the Mongolian children to those who contributed through the program.
  • So easy a child could do itBirmingham City School personnel attend OLPC workshop to learn about the XO
  • CNN has a wonderful AP article on how the XO laptop and OLPC are transforming a remote Peruvian village.
  • From 2007: Uruguay starts mass-production deployment of OLPC Next stop: Peru.


In the news

Get Involved

OLPC is driven and supported by its community of thousands of participants, creators, and educators.

If you have and interesting idea or project, or want to start a local OLPC group, you can request an XO through our contributors and developers program. You can also emulate our Sugar environment on your PC.

While most of the opportunities to get involved are though our community, there are also a few specific current job openings.

Learn more


Image:Support-banner-square.png|173px|community support pages rect 0 0 135 204 [2] rect 135 0 345 204 Support FAQ rect 0 205 135 408 [3]

  1. Comment : there's some whitespace here:

rect 135 205 345 408 Other support

  1. maybe desc none is better. testing.

desc none


You can read more and discuss new ideas about hardware, software, education and content; The XO's interface, Sugar, has its own human interface guidelines. There are also discussion pages on issues of deployment and country-specific discussions.

Our five core principles
Child Ownership: I wear my XO like my pair of shoes.
Low Ages: I have good XO shoes for a long walk.
Saturation: A healthy education is a vaccination, it reaches everybody and protects from ignorance and intolerance.
Connection: When we talk together we stay together.
Free and Open Source: Give me a free and open environment and I will learn and teach with joy.

About this wiki

This wiki is a tool for the community, to share information about their work and projects, to exchange ideas and get feedback from passers-by, and to provide shared space for people working on many aspects of education to discuss how to improve education and build informed communities through better collaboration and connection.

Related essays and projects are welcome here, from technical to epistemological. Every page invites comments; you can discuss pages via the discussion tab found at the top of each page. If you are new to wikis, see Wiki getting started for a tutorial. For good wiki style, and guidelines for editing, see OLPC:Wiki. Please make an account and join us.

Pages with the green {{OLPC}} banner at the top—such as this one—are maintained by the OLPC team and representative of the current state of the project; other pages may be slightly less up-to-date. You are welcome to edit and add information to OLPC-maintained pages.