Children's low cost laptop fund data

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General Questions

What evidence is there that providing every child with a laptop is beneficial?

Some anecdotes from pilot schools.(this might not be enough but its a good start)

What benefit do the children derive from owning/having one?

Won't the laptops get broken a lot?

Can we really get laptops that will be useful and fully functional for under $400?

In addition to the price of the laptop, what are the other costs?

How are the teachers going to learn how to use this new tool?

What infrastructure is required to support every child having a laptop?

How will purchasing laptops help increase student test scores?

What other states have done laptop projects?

Will this make them asocial hermits who don't like interacting with the world and want to code instead?

warranty/replacement/repair plans available? how are they maintained?

Specific OLPC/XO questions

Why Linux?

What specific infrastructure does the XO need?

Won't the XO get broken a lot?

How will teachers learn the XO?

What other costs(non infrastructure and not included with the original hardware costs) should we expect?

Data Sheets


Issues:this would try to be a per class cost so unit price times 25 or so

  • unit price
  • price to make unit functional(aka +$150 for Microsoft Word on a normal windows install)
  • Infrastructure costs
  • Training costs

Other non Monetary data

Issues: This is the software/hardware sort of stuff

  • OS
  • Word processor
  • Web Browser
  • Picture editor
  • IDE
  • is training included with laptop purchase


  • wifi
  • HDD capacity
  • RAM
  • processor

Other Reading

olpc news about teachermate