Tutorial on tutoring

Revision as of 19:01, 3 April 2008 by Valeriet (talk | contribs) (Tutorial on tutoring)
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Tutorial on tutoring


Lots of hard working folks in the OLPC community are not educators but they are having to teach others what they know. This is a great opportunity to start a collection of tutorials and guidelines to provide suggestions and support to accidental tutors and their tutees.

How to help

This project is a collaboratively organized undertaking, so the best way to get started is to just dive in and introduce yourself.

No project mailing list, IRC channel, or other form of communication other than this wikipage, but watch this space for developments as they happen.

Help wanted

If you are interested in helping, you can help! We need people from all disciplines and experiences. If, after reading this page, you're still unsure of how to get involved, contact User:valeriet.

If you want help with your part of this project, you can post specific tasks below. Please detail what kind of help you are looking for here, a timeframe or expiration date for the posting, along with contact information or how people who are interested should get involved.

Improve this page!

We are looking for volunteers to help improve this project page and keep it up to date. If you see how you can make something more coherent or organized, please jump in and edit; if there's a resource you think would be useful to this project, please add it. If there's something about the project itself you have ideas about, you can add it to this page directly, or start a discussion on the talk page. You do not need to contact anyone about this job - just do it! This posting never expires.



If you have an upcoming event (meeting, hackathon, etc.) related to this project, please list it here along with details of how to participate. Once an event is over, please move it to the Past Events section, below.


Activities related to this project that have already occurred, for archival purposes.