User talk:Mstone/Commentaries/Releases 2

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Revision as of 12:02, 24 May 2008 by (talk) (New page: Sugar needs more centralized direction-setting than your average project? Not convinced, but I'll accept that for argument. So how do you avoid people getting mad at you? Make it easy for...)
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Sugar needs more centralized direction-setting than your average project? Not convinced, but I'll accept that for argument.

So how do you avoid people getting mad at you? Make it easy for them to do their own thing in their own sandbox; make it easy for them to understand how the decisions get made and how they can have input; and keep getting things done, showing results. I'd say that list is actually in reverse order of importance.

Still, taking the first/least important item. I think that the MOST important improvement in the build process is to be more compartmental about things. If I want to do some work on area X, which may include adding dependency Y, I want to have to touch (branch) as few things as possible and (less crucial) install/configure as few things as possible to do everything I need including doing a whole build. There are arguments to be made for keeping things more monolithic (one step makes a branch, if you end up having to move up or down the stack later you have all that ready; but this does not encourage good modularization for current navigability and later separability) or for smaller modules (better design but more headache when branching - tools are key then). I think that "smaller modules" is the right answer, but this puts the focus having ways to manage dependencies between changes in different modules. 08:02, 24 May 2008 (EDT)