Grassroots bootcamp/Schedule

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June 7-8 (Sat-Sun) - Grassroots unconference

See Grassroots unconference for more information.

June 9 (Mon) Grassroots day

  • 10am-11:30am - Introductions and round-table mini-spiels on what everyone's grassroots group is up to, biggest vents/gripes/problems-to-fix; updating list of projects to tackle during the week. (facilitated by SJ Klein and Christoph Derndorfer)
  • 11:30am-12:30pm - Information gathering party - create/update a survey/directory of existing grassroots groups and projects those groups are doing, plus OLPC activities in various countries (led by Seth Woodworth and Francesca Slade)
  • 12:30pm-2pm - Lunch with SJ Klein and Adam Holt. We'll also invite #olpc-europe, Bernie, and Holger to chime in remotely.
  • 2pm-4pm - break up into subteams to work on various problems (short presentations on each at 2pm)
    • How to run a Jam (led by Mel Chua)
    • Holding Meetups (led by Christoph Derndorfer)
    • Hosting global events (led by SJ Klein)
    • Other subgroups that may have been defined during the morning
  • 3:30pm - subteams present their deliverables, whatever state they're in
  • 4pm - official end, but people can stay to work on projects

June 10 (Tue) Education day

  • Beforehand: Readings to be posted Monday
  • 10am-noon - Project time!
    • how to start a pilot guide
    • working with a classroom guide
    • getting laptops and hardware guide
    • making pippy activities
  • 11am - Developing with Pippy 101 (Chris Ball)
  • noon-1:30pm - Lunch with Kim Quirk. Kim will talk about (topics tentative, but likely)
    • "OLPC APIs" - what interfaces between 1cc and olpc grassroots should exist? which ones do exist now?
    • supply chain flow of laptops - how does the factory decide how many to produce, how do they get from quanta to whom, who decides that allocation? Essentially, the process that many view as "OLPC" is really a number of organizations working together to get XOs out to people... how does that work?
  • 1:30pm-2:30pm - Discussion of technologies for literacy, and how to deploy them (led by Cliff Schmidt)
  • 2:30pm-4pm - Roleplay being kids learning Scratch at an XO pilot.
  • 4pm - official end, but people can stay to work on projects. We'll be going out to dinner together (SJ's treat).

June 11 (Wed) Infrastructure day

The schedule isn't fleshed out yet, but we'll again be going from 10am-4pm and staying later if people want to continue wrok

  • Broadcasting and publicity
  • Community APIs (Seth Woodworth and SJ Klein)
  • Documentation (Tank Lai)
  • University chapters (Mel Chua)
  • Fundraising
  • Communication channels and software for grassroots groups - what are people using so far? This will include time to set up your group's webpage/wiki/mailing list/RT/trac/etc if you haven't got them already and would like them.
  • Lunch: Robert Fadel, on legal infrastructures for grassroots groups
  • People: Paola Lira, Rabi, Mako?

June 12 (Thu) Laptop day

Again, schedule is not fleshed out yet, but we'll be going from 10am-4pm with people staying later if they want to continue work.

People: Wad? Richard?

  • Setting up a repair center - infrastructure and tools (Adam Holt)
  • School server setup, mesh portal (Ankur Verma and Chris Carrick)

Everyone should know...

  • How to do an XO teardown
  • Running a content project
  • Running a translation/il8n project
  • Running an Activity-making project
  • Getting involved in core development
  • A little bit about the various power issues and options pilots face
  • A little bit about the various connectivity issues and options pilots face

June 13 (Fri) Jam prep day

This day is deliberately left open so that people can finish up projects, tie up loose ends, and travel to NYC (make your own arrangements, or group together to book hotels/bus during the week). We will convene at 7:30pm at the headquarters of the Open Planning Project, 349 West 12th Street #3. There will be pizza.

Plans for the evening:

  • Review of how to run a Jam, and plans for the weekend's Jam (Mel Chua)
  • Teleconference with teachers at various deployments (Rabi and SJ)
  • Feedback and meta "how to run a bootcamp"

June 14-15 (Sat-Sun) Grassroots Jam NYC

See Grassroots Jam for more details.