OLPC:News/2008/Week 24/3

< OLPC:News‎ | 2008‎ | Week 24
Revision as of 09:18, 11 June 2008 by Sj (talk | contribs) (Tue)
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@ 1CC

  • Seth, CD, Alex K and SJ stayed up to work through why the double-board of open problems was 90% whining and only 10% problems that scale.
    Other output from the evening : CD and AK worked on a draft social network based on ELGG 0.9. We came up with great light-natured themes for bringing people together : which tied in nicely with XO Puppet Theater, everyone's favorite fallback media saturation plan.
    Seth, Mstone, Nikki and Chris brainstormed how to extract a better list of 1000 projects from the ideas pages on the wiki, tickets in trac, and packages currently in git (and potentially unmaintained).
  • Open problems got an uplift. AK wants to knw where to look for speech recognition dictionaries...

Grassroots bootcamp

  • The main conf room was left clean and with full boards once more, and tomorrow's bootcamp schedule was updated. Future events of note: dinner tomorrow, soccer Thursday.

Grassroots jam in NYC

  • We started sending out further invitations to the weekend's New York Jam. Don't forget! Invite your friends and favorite hackers, artists, authors, curators and educators.

around the world