
Revision as of 20:04, 11 June 2008 by Andreatl (talk | contribs)
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Alrighty - Mel suggests for the next 10 days, we get a blog post up per day.

Thus, topic brainstorm for ideas - Wikified? Yes!

  1. On communication (madness ensuing regarding t-shirt/orders) --> proves the worth of our "if not written somewhere, it's not valid" policy. Yay free flow of information. ?(I can take this one --Nikki 15:49, 11 June 2008 (EDT))
  2. Getting to Illinois - transportational madness. On the value of early planning?
  3. Office procurement. (mel or tank should write)
  5. Grassroots Bootcamp
  6. accessibility gameplan
  7. building the voltage regulator
  8. making active antenna work (chris)
  9. workshops (Andrea)

^ Stick your name up if you want to write anything, re-order in terms of days, perhaps. Strike through ideas you think are not worth posting about, etc.