XS Server Installation

Revision as of 20:11, 12 June 2008 by Ccarrick (talk | contribs)
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This is a rough guide for installing an XS school server for a small school. This is by no means a complete guide to installing all things server-related so please feel free to add to this document.

Recommended School Server Specifications

A school server

Recommended minimum specifications for a school server are as follows

Set Access Point

The steps for setting up a wireless router access point vary based on the wireless router being using, but this serves as a rough guide for installation. These steps were run

  • Press the reset button on the wireless router to reset it and connect it to any computer. It's possible to do this setup with an XO or any other machine with linux installed.
  • Open terminal and type
ifconfig eth0 IPaddress

Where IPaddress is default IP for the access point

  • Connect to the access point by typing in the IP address in a web browser.
  • Login to the access point using the default password (or skip entering a password if none is provided)
  • Set the wireless channel to 1, 6 or 11 to minimize interference
  • Set a unique name for the network
  • Make sure that the access point is NOT running as a DHCP server

Obtaining Server Software

Server Installation

Server Registration

Server Laptops Supported Processor RAM Storage
Small <20-25 466 MHz 256 MB 40-60 GB
Large <150 1 GHz 1 GB 320-400 GB