User talk:Alexlevenson

Revision as of 03:05, 3 July 2008 by Alexlevenson (talk | contribs)
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Weekly Updates

I will keep a log here of my progress each week.

Week of 6/2/2008

  • Starting to settle in here at OLPC Cambridge
  • Began setting up a demo XO that shows off many non-standard capabilities of the XO
    • Progress and goals can be found on the wiki page
  • Began discussing my future projects
    • Physics Game / Incredible Machine clone
    • IDE (based on Develop?)

Week of 6/9/2008

  • Continued work on the demo project
  • Began discussing with Brian about ways to attack physics projects
    • Decided we need to update elements
      • Elements is nice, but WIP
      • Isn't ready for use
      • However, pyBox2D not user friendly
  • Wrote a very simple elements demo for demo build

Week of 6/16/2008

  • Went to Joint Warfighting Conference with SJ, Seth, and Richard (from OLPC DC)
    • Gave demos to and informed conference goers about the project
    • Met many high up people with high levels of interest, including
      • Education board of AFCEA
      • Now retired but extremely influential member of AFCEA who brought AFCEA to the EU
      • Military personnel very interested in the project
  • Would really like to begin updating elements (possibly with Brian) next week (well the week after that because I won't be here)

Week of 6/23/2008

I will be in Kentucky rebuilding houses for people in need all week. See everyone 6/30/2008.

Week of 6/30/2008

I've been making big progress on the physics playground game, which is a building block for the incredible machine game. This week I've added:

  • Tools
    • Box -- draws a box of any dimension
    • Circle -- draws a circle of any radius
    • Triangle -- draw an equilateral triangle of any size and orientation
    • Polygon -- draw a polygon point by point
    • Magic Pen -- draw any shape you'd like!
    • Grab -- grab + throw objects
    • Joint -- add joints between any objects
  • Menus for all the tools mentioned above
  • Code can be found in our git repository:
    • Be sure to checkout the 'Alex' branch because the master branch is basically a slightly modified elements demo ''
    • I'd like to make the master branch be the Alex branch -- Brian, what do you think?