OLPC Human Interface Guidelines

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The Core Ideas

Activities, Not Applications

Though it might take a little while to get used to, there are no applications on the laptop, and no application developers making them. Instead, the user experience on the laptop focuses around activities. At OLPC we see this as much more than a semantic difference in the naming convention; it represents an intrinsic quality of the types of things that are going to make the laptops work, which the following points should elucidate. As such, please familiarize yourself with the terminology and take it seriously during development and anytime you talk about the activities you create.


Collaborative learning provides a powerful tool in the educational environment, allowing children to take responsibility for one another's learning as well as their own. Studies have shown the positive effects of collaborative activity on development, indicating that the exchange of ideas amongst peers can both make the learning process more engaging and also stimulates critical thinking skills. OLPC hopes to encourage this type of interaction with the laptops.

In order to facilitate this type of collaborative learning environment, the laptops employ a mesh network system which connects all laptops within range without need for internet access. This implicit connectivity alters the traditional computer metaphor, since every activity is a networked activity. As such a fundamental element of the laptop, OLPC not only encourages but insists that all activities should take advantage of it, and any activity that can't should perhaps be rethought.

As an example, consider the Web activity bundled with the laptop distribution. Normally one browses independently, perhaps sending a friend a favorite link now and then. On the laptops, however, link sharing features integrated into the activity transform the individual act of web-surfing into a collaborate way to explore the Internet. Where possible, all activities should embrace the mesh and place strong focus on facilitating the collaborative process.

Emphasis on Creation

OLPC hopes to make the primary activity of the kids one of creation, in whatever form that might take. As such, most activities will focus on the creation of some type of object, be it a drawing, a song, a story, a game, etc. This introduces another shift in the language used to describe the laptops, pointing to objects rather than files as the primary form of creative expression.

This emphasis on the creation of objects supports the Constructivist "learn by doing" approach. As most developers would agree, the best way to learn how to write a program is to write one; Studying the syntax of the language might be useful, but it doesn't teach one how to code. With the laptop, OLPC hopes to apply this principal to all types of creation.

Furthermore, this objectification of the traditional filesystem speaks more directly to real-world metaphors: instead of a sound file, we have an actual sound; instead of a text file, a story. In order to support this concept, activity developers may define object types and associated icons to represent them, which will become just as important to the interface as the activities that create them.


Design Fundamentals

Know Your Audience

Key Design Principals

The Laptop Experience


Zoom Metaphor

The Frame

Bulletin Boards

The Journal


The Sugar Interface

Input Systems

The Grid System


Rollovers Replace Menus

