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OLPC Grassroots Web Conference - July 19th @ 10 AM

About GrassCon

The OLPC Grassroots Web Conference was started to increase communication between grassroots projects, as well as increase the general visibility of OLPC projects around the world. This ranges from software/hardware development to pilot programs and public awareness campaigns. We want to hear about what's going on, from the mouths of those involved.

The theme of this conference will be "From Code to Kids". Presenters will be helping us trace the path of XO Sugar activities from software development to getting the activities into the hands of children.

We will be holding the conference as a live streaming event with participants from around the world. Conference goers will be able to ask questions of presenters, and the entire conference will be recorded and archived.

GrassCon will be held on July 19th at 10 AM EST. The time of the conference has been decided upon to allow for the most participants from around the world.

Confirmed Presenters

  1. OLPC@Duke - John Peña & Alex Keybl
  2. OLPC Grassroots intern - Mel Chua
  3. Olin University Chapter - Nikki Lee
  4. Waveplace Foundation - Timothy Falconer
  5. OLPC Austria (and OLPC News) - Christoph Derndorfer
  6. OLPC Nigeria - Tomi Davies
  7. OLPC Golden State - Tom Boonsiri
  8. OLE Nepal - Rabi Karmacharya

Confirmed Volunteers

  • Alex Keybl
  • John Pena
  • Justin Mullen
  • Jonathan Cross

Presenter Sign-Up Times

All times in US EST. If left blank, the time is available.

10:00 - 10:12 Introduction (technical difficulties... etc.)
10:15 - 10:27 Alex Keybl - OLPC@Duke
10:30 - 10:42 Timothy Falconer - Waveplace Foundation
10:45 - 10:57 Tomi Davies - The Galadima Experience
11:00 - 11:12 Rabi Karmacharya - OLPC Implementation in Nepal
11:15 - 11:27 Quick Intermission (or Tom Boonsiri from OLPC Golden State)
11:30 - 11:42 Mchua - State of OLPC Grassroots Efforts
11:45 - 11:57 Nikki - Olin University Chapter
12:00 - 12:12 Christoph Derndorfer - Moving from talk to action.
12:15 Concluding Remarks

Please also make sure to contact Alex Keybl to schedule a test of your Skype setup.

Technical Information

Presenter Call-Ins

At the time you've signed up, please call in via Skype to olpcgrasscon. You may either call in with a webcam, or just through audio. If you are not going to be able to make it, please make sure to record audio/video, send it to us, and have somebody else there to answer questions.

Make sure to also get on (with your speakers muted) to the site here. This will allow you to answer questions after your presentation.

How We're Doing It

Just a quick combination of, Skype, CamTwist, and SoundFlower.