Epaath in browser
To load Epaath activities from within a browser on Linux, one needs to do the following things:
- On a non-XO machine, download the Squeak browser plugin from Squeakland
- Get a copy of Epaath.
- For now, get a Squeak patch from me, Ties, and load it into your Etoys image. Save the Image.
as root:
- link the Epaath Squeak image to /usr/lib/squeak/SqueakPlugin.image. Take away or relocate the current SqueakPlugin.image in that location, if it happens to be present.
- If on an XO, replace the squeak-in-browser startup script /usr/lib/squeak/npsqueakrun with a custom script. Just for now to be found by asking me, Ties for it.
- Link the squeak plugin to your browsers plugin directory.
If you've downloaded and installed the plugin on a regular fedora machine, you don't have to do anything.
On the XO, link /usr/lib/squeak/npsqueakrun to the dir /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins
On Ubuntu with Firefox 2, link /usr/lib/squeak/npsqueakrun to the dir /usr/lib/firefox/plugins
On Ubuntu with Firefox 3, link /usr/lib/squeak/npsqueakrun to the dir /usr/lib/firefox-addons/plugins
Other distributions, unknown, but should be somewhat the same as one of the previous.
And of course restart your browser.
- Then surf to a page with the activity embedded in it. If you need to embed an activity yourself, this is the code for it.
<embed type="application/x-Squeak-Source" ALIGN="CENTER" src="test.001.pr" showSplash="false" flaps="none" base="example.org/" pluginspage="http://www.squeakland.org/plugin/detect/detectinstaller.html" width="100%" height="100%"> </embed>
As you might guess, this implies you've got a webserver running which can service http://example.org/test.001.pr
That's it!