Teacher Jam Chicago

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Teacher Jam Chicago
July 29, 2008 @ Google Chicago

Schedule | Volunteers | Venue | Feedback

What's this all about?

An OLPC Jam is a content creation crunch that gets participants from idea to reality in just a short period of time. Anyone passionate about technology in education - teachers, students, parents alike - should feel free to come by and express how tjey feel the XO can best be utilized to meet classroom needs.

The focus of this event will be to identify academic areas where the XO is lacking and develop ideas for activities or other content that could be developed. Educators, this is your chance to have things made as you'd like to see them, since we'll be working to bring as much of this to life at Game Jam Chicago!

The Plan

  • One evening, Tuesday night
  • Food provided
  • The IL K-12 curriculum standards (or a subset thereof) are thrown up on a very large wall.
  • Teacher, students, hackers - anyone passionate about education - come in for the evening to...
    • Identify ways in which the XO can be used to address standards
    • Identify gaps where the XO could support acquisition of these curricular standards "if only this one missing part existed!" and coming up with descriptions of what needs to be built -- these will be sent out to the larger community worked on at Game Jam.
    • Brainstorm on pilots

Google Chicago
20 West Kinzie St.
Chicago, IL 60610

The rough game plan

This is a draft, thrown up during the ILXO open house - it will be fleshed in shortly by Nlee.

  • One day, all day, on a Saturday.
  • Food provided.
  • The IL K-12 curriculum standards (or a subset thereof) are thrown up on a very large wall.
  • Teachers (and students and hackers, but primarily teachers) from across the state come in for the day to...
    • Fill in the grid with ways (and perhaps curricular plans) existing materials on/for the XO can be used to address these standards (i.e. "you could use TurtleArt to convey this math concept in 4th grade, and again in 7th.")
    • Identify gaps where the XO could support acquisition of these curricular standards "if only this one missing part existed!" and coming up with descriptions of what needs to be built, so that hackers can build it
    • Brainstorm on pilots