Talk:Power peripherals

Revision as of 00:37, 21 June 2008 by Dbennett (talk | contribs) (Interested in your Power initiatives)
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I am a volunteer on the OLPC Support Gang as well as on a project to bring XO's (power, connectivity, teacher training, community organization, etc.) to a school in Adamawa State in Nigeria. If all goes well, we'll be starting teacher training in Mid-October or so. Until then, I intend to spend a significant portion of my time working on power, connectivity, and other various infrastructure issues.

I would love to piggy back on your efforts in the area of power regulation, storage and generation. On our appraisal visit we saw some interesting setups that I can send you pictures of that involved:

  1. Inverters
  2. Dry Cell Battaries (arrays of them really)
  3. Voltage Stabilizers
  4. Charging stations

These were most effectively constructed by Intel in the capitol city of Abuja, but they are relatively expensive. About $7k(US) plus the power generation (via solar panel and/or gas/diesel generator)

What can I do to get involved?