9.1.0 requirements

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Release 9.1.0 Overview

This is a time based release per the process at:

The process is not final. It is a set of rough guidelines still being worked out and subject to change.

The goal (not confirmed) is to make this release public sometime between December, 2008 and June, 2009.

Target Deployments

Priorities from Deployments

Should list what, who and why on each item. Should link to detailed requirements and use cases eventually.



Performance and Reliability

Faster activity launching 6472

File Management

Security Activation and Deployability

Network Manager Connections

G1G1 encryption.

802.11i (AKA 802.1x) Uruguay

Unadorned or unedited user feedback

Comments from technical user in Ecuador:

Not a teacher (I don't think) but a nice clear statement and format.

  1. La XO no viene con un cliente IRC instalado por defecto.
    1. It has no useful channels set to default activity news reader.
  2. La XO no tiene un portal que fomente la colaboración y el intercambio como página por defecto de la actividad Navegar.
    1. There is not an inventory of what activities can be used with mesh, nor what ways.
  3. No tiene canales útiles fijados por defecto para la actividad news reader.
    1. It has no useful channels set to default activity news reader.
  4. No existe un inventario de qué actividades se pueden utilizar con la malla, ni de qué maneras.
    1. There is not an inventory of what activities can be used with mesh, nor what ways.
  5. La malla sólo soporta algún tipo de colaboración en pequeños grupos.
    1. The mesh is only capable of certain forms of collaboration in small groups.
  6. Para cambiar la fecha es necesario clave de root.
    1. To change the date it is necessary to root password.
  7. Las XO no valen para imprimir.
    1. The XO is not able to print.
  8. Varias actividades que van por defecto en la XO no están localizadas.
    1. Several defauly installed activities on the XO are not localized.
  9. Los maestros tiene dificultad para subir imágenes a Blogs y Wikis.
    1. Teachers have trouble uploading images to blogs and wikis.
  10. Los maestros reportan que no se pueden guardar páginas de internet.
    1. Teachers report that they cannot save websites (bookmarks?).
  11. Muchas páginas web con Flash (en especial YouTube, y el webmail proporcionado en Uruguay) no funcionan.
    1. Many websites with Flash (especially YouTube, and webmail provided in Uruguay) do not work.
  12. Ninguna página con Java funciona.
    1. No pages with Java work.
  13. El formato de videos de la XO es incompatible con el estandar de facto de internet.
    1. The format videos of the XO is incompatible with the de facto Internet standard.
  14. No existe un método a nivel de usuario común para liberar espacio en disco.
    1. There is no method for the common user to free up disk space.
  15. La actividad Pippy no permite guardar programas propios.
    1. The activity Pippy does not allow programs to save themselves.
  16. La actividad para crear texto no tiene corrector ortográfico.
    1. The activity to create text does not have a spell checker.
  17. La XO no viene con una hoja de cálculo por defecto.
    1. The XO does not come with a spreadsheet by default.
  18. La XO no viene con un lenguaje de programación que los niños puedan aprender por defecto. Scratch viene por defecto? (no está en la imagen que yo tengo)
    1. The XO does not come with a programming language that children can learn by default. Scratch comes by default? (not in the image that I have)

GUI and Usability

Request from Uruguay for HW alerts:

Designs ideas from Scott and Eben in thread. e.g. I hope our alert system will use the freedesktop.org standard: http://www.galago-project.org/specs/notification/index.php

Priorities from Engineering

4662 needed for better activity capabilities.
2447 caps lock
1997 flashing in write
I think analyzing performance of non-JFFS2 file systems and picking a replacement should be a high-priority item for 9.1 update.
from: http://lists.laptop.org/pipermail/devel/2008-July/016994.html

Key Modules and Relevant Module Roadmaps