Fedora on XO

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Alternative Environment for XO


The goal of this project is to create a alternate environment for the XO based on Fedora, giving the users a "traditional linux desktop" instead of the Sugar environment.

See Greg DeKoenigsberg's blog post for further details: http://gregdek.livejournal.com/34038.html



This spin will be based on the Fedora Education Spin, but we are going to heavily modify it to fit the needs of OLPC.

The next steps will be:

  • selecting packages
  • creation of a kickstart file
  • trying to get the spin boot on a XO


Those applications might be included, so here is a list among with some alternatives.

type of application name of application name of alternative
desktop environment gnome xfce
web browser firefox
flash implementation gnash swfdec
java implementation openjdk
word processor abiword
spreadsheets gnumeric
pdf viewer evince epdfviewer
internet messenger empathy pidgin
media player totem helix
child games gcompris childsplay
geometry software drgeo

Other kinds of applications, which might be included:

  • news reader
  • graphics & painting
    • gimp
    • inkscape
    • tuxpaint
  • audio recording
    • audacity
    • jokosher
  • games
    • micropolis
  • typing tutor
    • tuxtype2
  • e-mail programm
    • thunderbird
    • claws-mail

This is just a first draft and may still change.