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Week of July 28 - August 1

  • <trac>7615</trac>: readded poppler to the build to fix the Read activity
  • <trac>1286</trac>: removed Numeric from joyride, obsoleted by numpy
  • <trac>7614</trac>: worked with csound upstream to fix an instrument parsing bug and produce a new release
  • <trac>7603</trac>: continued debugging of joyride audio regression
  • Coordinated with TamTam upstream to produce new activity releases, fixing bugs found in previous weeks
  • Worked with Charlie from QA to test installation of the latest school server build XS-165

Week of July 21 - July 25

  • <trac>5907</trac>: implemented a Journal nicety - clicking on previews resumes the activity
  • <trac>7319</trac>: diagnosed and fixed the problem preventing multicast (simple mesh presence is fixed as a result)
  • Continued working with TamTam and csound developers to get things back into shape.
  • <trac>7603</trac>: discovered that the cause for TamTam audio performance regression is due to the kernel upgrade
  • <trac>7353</trac>: pushed my work from the last 2 weeks into Fedora, and implemented some further slimming (pam to remove cracklib, and xorg-x11-utils to remove mesa)
  • <trac>7617</trac>: fixed a keyboard regression that snuck into joyride
  • <trac>7615</trac>: started work on fixing the Read activity
  • <trac>7459</trac>: reimplemented picture-in-picture in video playback mode in the Record activity
  • <trac>7607</trac>: encountered and diagnosed an OpenFirmware bug causing a silent hang-on-boot

Week of July 14 - July 18

  • <trac>7319</trac>: Discovered the reason behind lack of presence on v8.2 simple mesh: multicast RX is broken
  • <trac>7506</trac>, <trac>7523</trac>: Fixed 2 sugar bugs preventing content bundle installation from working
  • <trac>7532</trac>: Implemented installation of content bundles through the journal
  • Began working on TamTam and csound which are not working at all on v8.2. I have got it running, but there is a very noticable degradation in audio performance compared to update1/708.
  • <trac>7353</trac>: Placed my work from last week in public_rpms which caused many packages to drop out of the build
  • <trac>6188</trac>: Removed mkinitrd and it's dependency chain from the build, and fixed the fallout
  • Assisted the Learning Lab by modifying 4 XOs to save screenshots on a remote server, greatly speeding up the process of creating documentation including screenshots

Week of July 7 - July 11

  • Released Record-55
  • Continued joyride tracking and testing
  • <trac>7294</trac>: contributed a patch to gstreamer which improves compatibility with webcams (allowing us to drop our modified gstreamer package)
  • Developed PolicyKit-olpc for <trac>7350</trac>
  • <trac>7353</trac>: Worked on patches for xulrunner, gnome-python2, gnome-vfs2, and totem-pl-parser.
    • These changes will remove (at least) the following new dependencies from the build: gnome-mount, PolicyKit-gnome, libsexy, hunspell-en, hunspell, evolution-data-server, gnome-keyring, libgnome, fedora-gnome-theme, nokoko-metacity-theme, metacity, control-center-fs, fedora-icon-theme, gnome-themes, gnome-python2-bonobo
  • Evaluated Charlie's QA feedback for Joyride-2128, fixing some issues and investigating + filing tickets for others.
  • Began looking into presence/collaboration issues with recent joyride builds

Week of June 30 - July 2

Continued working on Fedora 9 bug wrangling and the Record activity.

Week of June 23 - June 27

Fedora 9 has been merged into Joyride. I've spent a lot of time chasing up the appropriate people to get the fixes included in builds, and I've also been working on the following:

  • gnash crash bug (<trac>7306</trac>)
  • Reworking the capture pipeline of the Record activity, the existing pipeline was broken (we're not sure why it worked on Fedora 7).

Week of June 16 - June 20

I've spent all week fixing up various problems with the Fedora 9 (OLPC-3) stream:

  • Worked on olpc3 problems: no USB automount (#7289), can't reboot/shutdown (#7266), sound nodes not accessible to olpc user (#7302). Turns out all of these are caused by changes to the way that the HAL/PolicyKit/ConsoleKit stack works.
  • Figured out the olpc3 OV7670 (camera driver) occasional crash-on-boot bug (#7252), waiting for Jon Corbet to attempt a proper fix before I suggest that we revert to the previous state of the driver.
  • Integrated olpc-dm with ConsoleKit connector so that olpc-dm registers a session in hope that ConsoleKit can track it. However, architectural problems with olpc-dm prevent this from working properly at this stage.
  • Fixed olpc3 problem with lack of presence functionality (#7319)
  • Worked on restoring camera functionality in olpc3 (#7294)

Week of June 9 - June 13

  • Started my internship on the 11th.
  • Worked with Ankur and Chris Carrick to learn how to install the school server, and demonstrated it to the grassroots group
  • Worked on a weird sudo message in OLPC-3 (#7267) as an introduction to RPM devel/handling
  • Worked on NetworkManager OLPC-3 problems (#7271) which was non-functional
  • attacked olpc-3 keyboard problems (#5952)
  • attending grassroots jam in NY this weekend