FoodForce 2 has been designed to educate and motivate people to solve world hunger. Since the laptop reaches out to the developing and third-world countries, it also educates children and teachers in a village on how to acheive self sustenance in a fun and non-intrusive way. It also provides awareness about the work WFP has been doing for the past many decades to abate the problem of world hunger.
Since an XO has limited computing power, the game has a relatively smaller footprint as compared to the first version of FoodForce and is aimed at both XOs and Windows.
The aim of the player is to make a village self-sustenant in terms of nutrition, housing, health, education and training by consistent production and trading of resources with the help of necessary infrastructure. There are three major aspects of the game: construction, upgradation and trading.
By constructing new facilities such as houses, schools, workshops, farms and wells you can provide your village with more resources and better village indicators. Construction of each new facility takes a certain amount of resources to build and manpower to build while the facility is in the process of construction. Once, a facility has been built, it consumes certain resources and manpower to produce certain resources and help in the economic growth of the village.
You are provided with various upgrades like brick and mortar, functional upgrades and electricity for each facility. Every upgrade costs resources, but an upgraded facility will be more efficient and effective.
The final cornerstone of play is trading which is crucial to a village's success. A village cannot effectively grow without a smart trader. For that, every village is provided with a market, which is visited by traders from neighbouring villages for trade. The price of the commodities is determined by market forces, but smart and timely trades can give your village a leg-up and help it attain prosperity over time.
The village growth is defined by three clusters, and your aim is to achieve a certain level of prosperity in any given level.
- The game has been designed in Python and Pygame and is very portable and can be run on different operating systems such as Linux and Windows.
- The game has a very small footprint and is thus easily deployed on an XO.
- The codebase has been made efficient and speedy to deliver the best performance to the user.
- Extensible Design which allows easy modifications and extensions over the current game structure with total independence of Model, View and Controller.
Please find the screenshots of the early version of the game here :
Code Base and Status Updates
Please find the current code-base at :
Project Manager : Deepank Gupta (deepankgupta AT gmail DOT com)
Lead Developer : Mohit Taneja (mohitgenii AT gmail DOT com)
Other Developers : Atul Aggarwal
Project Co-ordinator from OLPC : Manusheel Gupta
Project Co-ordinator from WFP : Silke Buhr
Artwork : WFP Artists from Italy