User talk:Mstone/Commentaries/Infrastructure 1

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Revision as of 18:12, 20 August 2008 by CScott (talk | contribs) (Comments.)
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Data integrity seems odd. Why is this necessary? Either the secrets work or they don't. It's not clear what level of integrity is being called for here. Is a git repo sufficient? I can verify that the current repo is a fast-forward of my local copy, and i can review the individual commits for sanity. Is that sufficient?

"Publishability" -- what about your previous concern that inappropriate information would be inadvertently disclosed?

I'd add the following two requirements:

Ease of use -- it be as easy as possible to maintain the documentation and keep it in sync.

Credential rotation -- it should be easy to add new people able to access the secrets in the VIG. CScott 18:12, 20 August 2008 (UTC)