Revision as of 10:22, 5 November 2006 by Mokurai (talk | contribs) (→‎States: Massachusetts)
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Nobody has asked these questions here yet. Some have been asked elsewhere on the OLPC Wiki, and some I made up based on experience writing other FAQs.--Mokurai 15:43, 2 November 2006 (EST)


Q Will I be able to buy a Laptop?

A See Retail.


Q Will OLPC sell to individual US states or territories? Massachusetts has expressed interest.

A They haven't said.

Bush Administration

Q Has OLPC talked to anybody in the Bush Administration about Laptops for the US?

A I asked, but OLPC hasn't replied yet.


Q Should the US use the OLPC laptop? Aren't there better ways to get computers for US schoolchildren?

A The alternatives, such as conventional laptops, cost more, and do not come with mesh networking. Nobody makes Linux laptops in sufficient quantity today. But we can and should discuss the alternatives.