Community media

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give a laptop.
get a laptop.
change the world.

This year's laptop program in incredibility important to the community and to OLPC itself. Last year we sold X laptops and have given out XX% so far. This year we can do better, and you can help bring laptops to even more kids.

Community involvement

How? The simple answer is to tell people about OLPC! In person, in mass or on the internet. Together we can tell a lot of people in really special ways.

Media bundle

The first thing that we can do, is provide resources and encourage those who want to create or recreate their own media for the upcoming event. OLPC has some photos and videos, they need to be on hand. Many communities including flickr and OLPC SF have created amazing media that is in open license too.

We need to pull together all of the resources for OLPC media in one place and let people create more awesomeness from it.

At first this should be a collection of links, and eventually there should be a big standard torrent of sources available in open license.


There is an OLPC flickr account that is accessible by many people at OLPC and in the community already: . The entire contents of that site can be made available under a CC -by License. There is also a flickr group that has a lot of CC images, both from around the world.
CAA video
( for now) CAA created a video last fall for fundrasing last year for olpc ans has given us the rights to this material. Currently on DVD in the Boston office, needs to be digitized in several formats.
Sound samples
There are something like 8gb of sound samples released in the the Commons with OLPC. There are tons of great sounds contained therein, but are currently no longer being served at OLPC. This needs to get fixed and these need to be available.
There are several of these now, and several more to be found elsewhere, and their sourcefiles.
Stuff that we need in a better license
OLPC currently has and There are also sites with OLPC graphic design in:
  • please add to this list


list of people who should be pinged to contribute

  • Carla
  • Bastian
  • Juliano
  • Anna (Birmingham)
  • Julia
  • David Cavallo

Community sites

This push, telling people about the laptop giving program, should really have a presence at the following sites. If you make stuff, please post it to and try to get it highlighted/seen at the following places. If you create a group or category at any of these places please post it here.

  • This wiki!
  • flickr
  • YouTube the usernames OneLaptoPerChild and OLPC are taken?
  • DailyMotion
  • DeviantArt
  • LJ ?
  • Facebook following up with their non-profit group, don't wait on me! ~SEth
  • Facebook Causes app
  • Newgrounds
  • Scratch See: Scratch. They have a great community site for kids.
  • UCBLogo huge community that uses UCBlogo on the XO
  • add your ideas here


There's going to be a lot of really exciting work in community advertising, media creation and community building in the next 6 weeks. We're going to be having certain days where the local community can come work with us in the office and collaborate. If you're going to be working on big projects in your area, consider holding an open working session too!

Email sj or seth if you want to come join us in Boston.