
Revision as of 18:35, 2 October 2008 by Mikehahn (talk | contribs)
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OlpcProject.png Mike Hahn, volunteers welcome!

Virtual Environment Construction Set

Vecset is a software tool used for creating multiplayer games, such as board games and animated games. There are 2 versions of Vecset: a Windows version, and a scaled-down version for the XO Laptop. The Windows version will be implemented in Java, and the XO version will be implemented in Python. The Windows version includes a built-in scripting language called Vecscript, and enables users to play games over the Internet (in their web browsers). The XO version uses Python as its scripting language, and users cannot play games in their web browsers. Instead they can play games with other nearby XO users, over the wireless network.

Older Versions of Vecset

Vecset is an evolution of an earlier project, Treenimation. The XO version of Treenimation was called Boardwalk.

I am Mike Hahn, the creator of Boardwalk. I have recently finished programming in Python (translating from what I originally programmed in Delphi) the first Boardwalk module to be implemented: the TIL Loader. I am currently in the process of learning the Python programming language, and I intend to implement the rest of Boardwalk in Python.

Easy to Learn

Treescript, which is the built-in scripting language included with Boardwalk, is at once powerful enough for professional game programmers to use to develop Treenimation-compatible game prototypes, yet so easy to learn that XO Laptop users (even children) can use it to learn how to program simple games, with only minimal intervention by an adult instructor.

Language Features

  • Operators precede their operand(s)
  • Optional infix mode for experienced Python/Java programmers
  • Structure Editor mode eases code entry for newbies
  • Type a question mark (?) at any time to display a context-sensitive popup menu of valid code choices
  • Stepping-stone to learning Python programming:
    • Start them off in prefix mode (operators precede their operands), and later switch to infix mode (binary operators go in-between their operands)
  • RAD-style program development, in which user selects game components from a component palette, and edits their design-time properties
  • Game Editors:
    • Board Games (static)
    • Level Editor (animated)
    • Vector Editor (a vector is an animated/static object, which may be composed of other vectors)